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日期:02-16 21:18:09|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |职称英语考试|人气:987


  reply  (v.) 回答,答复
  The teacher asked us a question, but no one replied.
  evil  (a.) 邪恶的,恶魔的
  The bad guy in the movie did really evil things.
  spirit (n.) 幽灵,亡灵
  Do you believe in spirits?
  gather    (v.) 聚集,集合
  Help me gather everyone for dinner.
  healthy (a.) 有益健康的
  paint   (n.) 油漆   /e/-/ei/
  The color of the paint on the wall is red.
  propose (v.) 提议,求婚  /o/ --/ou/
  How did your husband propose to you?
  violin  (n.) 小提琴
  lamp  (n.) 灯
  The room was dark so I turned on the lamp.
  bride  (n.) 新娘
  The bride started crying during her wedding.
  amazing   (a.) 令人惊讶的 /e/--/ei/
  You got full marks on your English test? That's amazing!
  properly  (adv.) 恰当地
  wonderful   (a.) 极好的
  exam    (n.) 考试
  Philip is studying for his English exam.
  modern    (a.) 新潮的,摩登的
  copy     (v.) 抄写,抄袭
  Jack got in trouble because he copied my test.
  report      (n.) 报告
  promise     (v.) 答应,承诺
  I promise I will meet you after work.
  tradition   (n.) 传统,习俗
  rule         (n.) 规则,规定
  protect   (v.) 保护
  He put on sunscreen to protect himself from the sun.
  steal              v) 偷窃
  He stole money from the bank.
  pretend     (v.) 假装
  He pretended to be a policeman but really he wasn't.
  fault          (n.) 过错,责任
  I took the money from your wallet. It's my fault.
  ocean           (n.) 海洋
  Many people in California like to swim in the ocean.
  drown           (v.) 溺水
  mad         (a.)【口语】恼火的
  lie         (v.) 欺骗,撒谎
  I never lie. I always tell the truth.
  free         (a.) 闲置的  /i/--/i:/
  Are the seats at this table free?
  interested     (a.) 对…感兴趣的, 有趣味的
  Are you interested in having dinner with me?
  thunder           (n.) 雷,雷声
  exit            (n.) 出口,太平门
  If there is a fire, leave the building through the nearest exit.
  apartment                (n.)(一户)公寓房间   /ar/ --/a:/
  There are ten apartments in my building.
  hand          (v.) 给,传递
  Can you hand me the salt, please?
  storm           (n.) 暴风雨,风暴  /or/--/o: /
  The plane couldn't take off because of the storm.
  typhoon             (n.) 台风
  There are typhoons in Taiwan every summer.
  bookstore               (n.) 书店   /or/ --/o:/
  He went to the bookstore to buy a new novel.
  upstairs              (adv.) 在(往)楼上
  I'm tired so I'm going upstairs to go to sleep.
  block          (n.) 街区
  My house is only four blocks from here. Why don't we walk?
  memory             (n.) 记性,记忆
  accident               (n.) 意外
  tasty            (a.) 美味的
  Thanks for making me such a tasty lunch!
  wine          (n.) 葡萄酒
  Susan had a glass of white wine with her dinner.
  menu            (n.) 菜单
  The prices of the food were not on the menu.
  luggage             (n.) 行李
  suffer           (v.) 受苦
  I'm suffering from a bad cold.
  medicine              (n.) 药
  My father takes medicine because he has a heart problem.
  stranger               (n.) 陌生人
  I feel nervous talking to strangers.
  message             (n.) 讯息
  I got a message from Tom, but I didn't get one from you.
  chat           (v.) 在线聊天;闲聊
  When you get a computer, we can chat online.
  grocery             (n.) 食品、日常杂货
  public             (a.) 公共的
  She borrowed some books from the public library.
  fly          (v.) 搭机航行
  I'm going to fly to Hong Kong on Thursday.
  airport              (n.) 机场
  We drove to the airport to catch our flight.
  shoot         (v.) 拍摄
  Did you shoot a lot of pictures on your vacation?
  decision              (n.) 决定
  They made a decision to go on a vacation.
  address            (n.) 地址
  corner            (n.) 转角处
  Turn right at that corner and go to the end of the street.
  clearly              (adv.) 清楚地
  musician               (n.) 乐手,音乐家
  l 英语单词记忆法
  1. 借助单词读音记忆法;
  reply            (v.) 回答,答复
  evil          (a.) 邪恶的,恶魔的
  spirit             (n.) 幽灵,亡灵
  --- reply (e在闭音节中通常发/i/ , /i/---e;y在开音节中通常发./ai/);
  --evil(e在evil中也发/i/, i 在evil中没有发音);
  --spirit(i 在闭音节中的发音通常是/i/);

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