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日期:02-16 21:34:54|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |职称英语考试|人气:382


  15.Attitudes to(对。。。的态度) mental(精神的) illness(疾病) have shifted(改变) in recent years(在近几年=lately). (answer: C)
  A. displayed: 展示、陈列某物,显示、显露 display sth to sb
  B. shown:原形show, 显示、展示,此时和display属近义词。
  C. changed(***):高频核心词,含义丰富,改变、更换、交换、换乘、换衣服\兑换货币,等等。
  change one’s idea/attitude改变主意/态度;change one’s job换工作; change gear换挡; change sides改变立场; change train换乘火车;change dollars into RMB把美圆兑换成人民币。
  D. demonstrated:v 证明、论证、表明、示威游行
  16.I have been trying to(尽力) quit(停止) smoking. (answer: A)
  A. give up:停止、放弃,give up sth/doing sth, 如:
  My husband gave up(= quit = stop) smoking last year.
  B. pick up(***):捡起来、情况好转、通过实践学会(外语、技术)、收取某物、接人、偶然结识某人等。
  C. build up逐渐发展、增强
  D. take up:占据(时间或空间)、从事某事、
  17.Relief workers(救援人员) were shocked (震惊的、吃惊的)by what they saw(他们所看到的). (answer: C)
  A. moved:感动的 B. touched:动人的、感人的(= moved)
  C. surprised: 吃惊的,be surprised at sth.
  I’m very surprised to see you here.
  D. worried: 担心的、发愁的,同义词anxious,搭配:be worried about
  He is worried about his exam.
  所以:surprised = shocked = astonished
  We were shocked to find that Mary didn’t know her guest’s name.
  A. frustrated (泄气的) B. disturbed(打扰的、焦虑不安的)
  C. relieved (宽慰的) D. surprised
  18.The weather(天气) is a constant (不断发生的、不变的)subject (主题)of conversation(谈话) in Britain(英国). (answer: D)
  A. question: 问题、疑问、询问,常见的搭配:an open question未解决的问题、允许公开争论的问题
  B. problem问题、难题,solve a problem解决问题;
  C. title 名称、题目、标题、头衔
  D. topic话题、主题
  19.This is not typical (典型的、有代表性的)of English, but is a feature (特点、特征)of the Chinese language. (answer: B)
  A. particular:个别的、特别的、挑剔的,如:his particular problems他的个人问题; particular importance特别的重要; she’s very particular about her clothes. (她对她的衣服很挑剔。)
  B. characteristic: 典型的,常见搭配:be characteristic of = be typical of
  C. remarkable: 不同寻常的、出类拔萃的,同义词:unusual = exceptional = extraordinary
  D. idiomatic: 来自于idiom习语、成语;idiomatic符合语言或方言的特点的
  20.It is virtually (几乎)impossible(不可能) to persuade(劝说) him to apply for(申请) the job. (answer: B)
  A. simply:简单地、仅仅 I bought the house simply because it was very big.
  B. almost几乎、差不多。 She is almost 40 years old.
  C. totally = completely = entirely 完全地、全部地
  D. completely = totally
  补充:persuade sb to do sth劝说某人做某事

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