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日期:02-16 20:11:23|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |职称英语考试|人气:813




Many people buy suitcases t0 carry—1—when they go abroad—2—and never take the trouble to find out whether they will be—3—to surviVe the journey.—4—case you buy——and obViOUSIy—5—you pay for it the better it is likelv to be——you should be careful6 too much into it.A 10t 0f passengers7and then the locks break.Sone people think manufacturers should say how mach—8—.But he manufacturers say it depends—9—the quality of the case.A cheap case,—10—has been badly made,wiⅡ 0bviously not last as long as an expensive one.

1.A.his luggagesB.his luggageC.their luggagesD.their luggage

2.A.in holidavB.on holidavC.in holidaysD.0n holid.dys

3.A.so strongB.enough strongC.strong enoughD.too stmng


5.A.the moreB.the mostC.how muchD.how many

6.A.for not packingB.so as t0 not pack

C.not to packD.in order to not pack

7.A.do soB.do SUChC.make thisD.make that

8.A.can carry the caseB.the case can carry
C.can bear the caseD.the case can bear




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