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日期:02-16 20:08:23|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |职称英语考试|人气:175

第6部分:完型填空 (建议在15钟以内完成)


    Save Energy at Home

    On the average,Americans waste as much energy as two-thirds of the world’s population consumes.That’s  _1_  the result of driving inefficient cars,using inefficient appliances,andliving and working in poorly insulated buildings.Then what can you do to improve the  _2_  ?

    Buy energy-efficient products.—Buy new appliances or electronics of the highest energy-efficiency rating.New energy?efficient models may cost more initially,but have a lower operating  _3_  over their lifetimes.The most energy-efficient models  _4_  the Energy Star label.which identifies products that use 20一40 percent less energy than standard new products. According to the EPA,the typical American household can save about$400 per year in   _5_  bills with products that carry the Energy Star.

    Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs.一Change the three bulbs you use  _6_  in your house to compact fluorescents3.Each compact fluorescent bulb will keep half a ton of carbon dioxide out of the air over its lifetime. _7_  ,compact fluorescent bulbs last ten times as long and can save$30 per year in electricity costs.

    Set heating and cooling temperatures correctly.—Check thermostats in your home to make sure they are  _8_  at a level that doesn’t waste energy.Get an electronic thermostat that will  allow your furnace to heat the house to a lower temperature when you’re sleeping and retum it to a more  _9_  temperature before you wake up.

    Turn off the lights.一  _10_  lights and other electrical appliances such as televisions and radios when you’re not using them.Install automatic timers for lights that people in your house frequently forget to turn them off when  _11_  a room.

    Choose renewable energy.— Many consumers can now choose their energy supplier.If you have a choice,choose an electric utility that uses renewable power  _12_  ,such as solar, water or wind.

    Let the sun shine In.—The cheapest and most energy—efficient light and heat source is often right_outside your windows.On  _13_ days,open blinds to let the sun light’your home for free.Also remember that  _14_  entering a room equals passive solar heating.Even on cold winter days,sun streaming into a room Can raise the temperature by several  _15_.



    1.  A) unlikely     B)largely    C)tremendously  D)vastly
    2.  A) tool      B)factor     C)fact     D)situation
    3.  A) prize      B)label     C)cost     D)position   
    4.  A) carry      B)bring     C)change      D)return
    5.  A) phone     B)water     C)food     D)energy
    6.  A) less      B)most     C)rarely    D)seldom
    7.  A) Moreover    B)However   C)Therefore    D)So
    8.  A) corrected     B)changed   C)set     D)repaired
    9.  A) comfortable   B)common   C)convenient     D)dramatic
    10. A) Turn over     B)Turn on    C)Turn off    D)Turn out
    11. A) decorating    B)using     C)repairing     D)leaving
    l2. A) station     B)resources   C)supply    D)shortage
    13. A) bright     B)cloudy     C)hot     D)dark
    14. A) air      B)rain     C)wind    D)sunlight
    15. A) layers     B)levels     C)degrees    D)points




    1. A.  2. B. 3. B。 4. A.  5. A. 6. A.7. A. 8. B。 9. C。 10. A。
11. D. 12. C.  13. C. 14. B。 15. B.



    1. B.2. A.  3. C.   4. C.   5. B.  6. A.  7. C.

    第3部分:概括大意与完成句子 (每题1分,共8分, 建议10分钟以内完成)

    阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。

    1. E。 2。 B。3。 A。4。 D。
    5.F。 6。 E。7。A。8。 C。

    第四部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共45分, 建议40分钟以内完成)


    Ford Abandoned Electric Vehicle  

    1.C。 2。B。 3。A。 4。C  5。D

    Some things we know about language 

    1.C。 2。A。 3。B。 4。D。 5。C

    Florida Hit by Cold Air mass 

    1.B。 2。B。  3。 A。 4。C。 5。D。

    第五部分:补全短文(每题2分,共10分,建议在10分钟以内完成 )


    1.C。 2。 B。 3。 E。 4。 F。 5。 D



    1.B. 2.D. 3.C.  4.A. 5. D。 6.B. 7.A.8.C. 9.A. 10.C.
11.D. 12.B。 13.A. 14.D. 15.C.   

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