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Test TwentyOne


beat, win, conquer, defeat, overcome





指在竞赛或战斗中击败对方,其对象一般应是物,如battle, race, victory等。







如:We can easily beat you at baseball.打垒球我们可以轻易地击败你们。

The Chinese team won in the end.最后中国队赢了。

The Normans conquered England in 1066.1066年,诺曼底人征服了英格兰。

He defeated his opponents in this election.在这次竞选中,他击败了对手。

He made efforts to overcome every difficulty.他努力克服每一个困难。

award, reward







He was awarded a medal for his outstanding contribution to science.由于对科学作出了杰出贡献,他被授予一枚奖章。

He rewarded me with 30 dollars for taking him to the airport.我把他送到机场,他给了我30美元作酬金。

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1. She never laughed, ____ lose her temper.

A. nor she ever did

B. or she ever did

C. or did she ever

D. nor did she ever

2. ____ with the developed areas, people’s living standard of this province is not high at all.

A. Compare

B. While comparing

C. When compared

D. Comparing

3. It is no use ____ me not to worry about his injury.

A. you tell

B. your telling

C. for you to have told

D. having told

4. If the earth suddenly ____ spinning, we would allfly off it.

A. had stopped

B. stopped

C. has stopped

D. would stop

5. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ______ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.

A. in that

B. in which 

C. in order that

D. in the way

6. After taking office, China’s Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, tried his best to promote the new ____ policies.

A. economic

B. economical

C. economy

D. economics

7. Look at these clouds. ____.

A. It will rain

B. It’s going to rain 

C. It will be raining

D. It is to rain

8. ____ the 1500’s ____ the first Europeans explored the coast of California.

A. It was not until/then

B. It is not until/when

C. It is until/that

D. It was not until/that

9. ____ the letter, I ran out of the room to the post office.

A. Finishing

B. No sooner that I had finished up

C. As soon as I finished writing 

D. Since I finished up to write

10. If the law and order ____, neither the citizen nor his property is safe.

A. are not preserved

B. have not been preserved

C. were notpreserved

D. is not preserved

11. Before moving to another city, Amy ____ of the house and the furniture.

A. disposed

B. discarded

C. discharged

D. distributed

12. Amy Taylor was ____ both as a drama critic and as a poet.

A. subtle

B. progressive

C. eminent

D. plausible

13. He was very much interested in the work of charities, and made a regular ____ to them.


B. fellowship 

C. hospitality

D. contribution

14. The temperature ____ greatly; the days were very hot, the nights very cold.

A. changed

B. altered

C. varied

D. reflected

15. The washing machine would not work because of a(n) ____in the switch.

A. mistake

B. trouble

C. error

D. defect

16. Recently there has been a great ____ for small cars that consume little gas.

A. request

B. want

C. demand

D. claim

17. Mark ____ his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas tree in the sitting room.

A. held

B. grasped

C. kept

D. blew

18. Our school singing group is going to give a(n) ____performance next month. Don’t miss it.

A. alive

B. living

C. life

D. live

19. The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect ____so a walk along Nanking Road is an enjoyable discovery.

A. control

B. order

C. harmony

D. action

20. It is not profitable to provide bus service in districts where the population is widely ____.

A. divided

B. separated

C. spaced

D. scattered

21. It was necessary to ____ the factory building as the company was doing more and more business.

A. extend

B. increase

C. lengthen

D. grow

22. He studied hard in his youth, which ____ his great success in later life.

A. answered for

B. consisted of 

C. doubled up

D. contributed to

23. If I look the other way, I can see the mouth of the river, wild and ____, and the sea beyond.

A. grand

B. inspired

C. fierce

D. splendid

24. The relationship between dream life and waking life has been studied ____.

A. originally

B. intensively

C. extremely

D. properly

25. ____ the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.

A. as to

B. as usual

C. as regards

D. as well as

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1. D)


【难点】由so, nor, neither引导的并列分句,表示“同样,也”等意义时,主谓语要倒装。

2. C)


【难点】本句中发达地区和该省为对比的对象,状语部分中动词的逻辑主语应该是“该省”,故应该采用被动语态。when compared是when it is compared的省略。

3. B)


【难点】It is no use 后通常跟动名词短语。

4. B)



5. A)


【难点】in that 引导原因状语,往往用于书面语,放在句中而不在句首,意为“因为,原因在于”。In which一般用来引导定语从句,修饰表示方位的名词。In order that常常用于引导目的状语从句。

6. A)


【难点】economic 意为“经济的,与经济有关的”。economical 意为“节约的,不浪费的”。economy意为“经济”。economics意为“经济学”。

7. B)


【难点】选项A)中will表示一种意愿。B)中的be going to do sth 表示目前已有迹象表明即将发生某种事情。C)中使用了将来进行时,用来表示将来某一时刻或某一时期正在进行的动作。D)中的be to do sth 表示一种计划或安排。

8. D)


【难点】本句将not until…that…句型和强调句It is (was)…that…结合在一起,形成一个新的常用的结构。

9. C)



10. D)


【难点】本句意在陈述一项事实,所以应采用一般时,law and order是习语,意为“治安”,作单数。

11. A)


【难点】dispose of 意为“处理,整理”;discard意为“丢弃;抛弃”; discharge 意为“解雇,免…的职务;开除”; distribute意为“分开;分送;分配”。

12. C)



13. D)


【难点】contribution 意为“捐款,贡献;捐助”,make a contribution to 是动词短语,意为“向…捐款”;dedication 意为“献身;献身精神”;fellowship 意为“伙伴关系;友情;友谊”;hospitality 意为“友好款待;好客;殷勤”。

14. C)


【难点】vary意为“相异,不同;变化; change意为“改变,变化”,尤指全面发生的变化;alter意为“(部分地)改变,变动;更改”;reflect意为“反射;反应;显现”。

15. D)


【难点】defect意为“缺陷;弱点”;mistake意为“错误;过失”;trouble意为“困难,麻烦,困扰”;error 意为“失误,错误”。

16. C)


【难点】demand意为“需求,需求量,要求”,supply and demand构成“供需”之意;request意为“请求,请”;want 意为“需要,缺乏”,常用于for want of 这一短语中;claim意为“要求,主张,声称,认领”。

17. A)


【难点】hold one’s breath 意为“(因紧张,激动等)屏息”,另外三个动词不能和breath进行合理搭配。

18. D)


【难点】live 在本句中是形容词,意为“现场直播的,实况转播的”;alive 意为“有活力的,有生色的,活跃的”;living意为“逼真的,惟妙惟肖的”;life为名词,不适合本句句意。

19. C)


【难点】in harmony意为“协调一致,和睦融洽”;in control 意为“处于被控制状态”;in order 意为“井然有序,处于良好状态”;in action意为“在起作用,在行动中”。

20. D)


【难点】scatter意为“使分散”;divide意为“分隔,把…隔开”;separate 意为“使(两者)分开,分离”;space意为“(用间隔)分隔开”。

21. A)



22. D)


【难点】contribute to意为“有助于,促成,是…的部分原因”;answer for 意为“负有责任,需作交待”;consist of 意为“组成,构成”;double up意为“笑弯了腰”。

23. C)


【难点】fierce 意为“猛烈的”;grand意为“雄伟的,堂皇的,庄重的”;inspired意为“受到鼓舞的”;splendid 意为“壮丽的,华丽的,壮观的”。

24. B)


【难点】intensively 意为“集中地,彻底地”;originally 意为“本来,原来”,不能和完成时连用;extremely意为“极端地,非常地”;properly 意为“适宜地,恰当地”。

25. D)


【难点】as well as 意为“除…之外,还要…”;as to 意为“关于”; as usual 意为“照常,照例”,不是介词词组,不能用于本句, as regards 意为“关于…,至于…”。

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