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日期:03-14 12:00:38|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |英语专四专八考试|人气:368


1. In my opinion, he is __________ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets.

A. in all

B. at best

C. far all

D. by far

2. "I can‘t praise his work __________," George said,"even though I don‘t like personally"

A. sufficiently

B. adequately

C. enough

D. abundantly

3. This tape recorder is far __________ that one both in quality and in design.

A. superior than

B. superior to

C. more superior than

D. more superior to

4. Today‘s problems are caused _________ by modern factors.

A. for the most part

B. for a most part

C. for most part

D. for most a part

5. She didn‘t regret paying 200 dollars for the bookcase. As a matter of fact, she would gladly have paid _________ for it.

A. as much twice

B. much as twice

C. twice as much

D. as twice much




[答案解析]by far(到目前为止)是副词词组,用在句中作时间状语;in all(合计);at best(至多);for all(虽然....)。




[答案解析]can‘t + enough/too(再...也不过分)用在句中表肯定,例如you can‘t be too careful(你再怎么小心也不为过),也就是说“你要小心”;sufficiently(足够地,充分地);adequately(充分地);abundantly(充足地,大量地)。




[答案解析]superior的意思是“比.....优等”,其本身就有比较含义,故没有比较级,该词一般用于be surperior to词组中。




[答案解析]for most part中most修饰part表示“大多数”。





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