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Test Eleven


1)在情态成语之后,即在would rather/would sooner/would(just) as soon(宁愿),may/might as well(不妨),cannot but/cannot help but之后。例如:

You can’t help but respect them.

Since it’s a fine day we might as well walk.

2)在“使役动词+宾语”之后,即在let, have, make之后。例如:

Let there be an end of this misunderstanding.

He won’t have us criticize his work.

Abby made him stay to tea.

3)在“感觉动词+宾语”之后,即在see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch之后。例如:

We feel the house shake.

I didn’t hear you say that.



They did nothing except work.

There’s no choice but to wait.



1. They feel they are justified ____ the child because he was not behaving himself.

A. to punishB. to be punishing 

C. in punishingD. punishing

2. ____ in the first round of the competition, our team took the earliest flight back.

A. Being knocked outB. Having been knocked out

C. We were knocked outD. We had been knocked out

3. If the door was not forced open, ____ that the burglar must have had a key.

A. it followsB. it is followed

C. following isD. it will be followed

4. Miss Helen always buys ____ priced clothes.

A. higherB. highC. highestD. highly

5. By 1990, production in the area is expected to double ____of 1980.

A. thatB. itC. oneD. what

6. I did not choose any of the three offerings, because I found ____ satisfactory.

A. neither of themB. none of it 

C. either of them D. none of them

7. A panda’s primary activity is sleep, ____ its waking hours looking for food.

A. that it spendsB. for spending

C. and it spendsD. will spend

8. The university of California, ____ in 1868, is administered by president and governed by a twentyfourmember board of regents.

A. foundedB. has been founded 

C. to have been founded D. was founded

9. ____ of the play, Desire Under the Elm, introduces the cast of characters and hints at the plot.

A. The act firstB. Act first

C. First ActD. Act One

10. I’d rather we ____ our lesson now.

A. haveB. hadC. should haveD. shall have

11. Their walkingtour through Springfield never came ____.

A. toB. offC. outD. round

12. The conflict between romantic ____ and harsh reality has been the theme of many great novels.

A. fantasiesB. perceptionsC. affairsD. revelations

13. Bob’s work is ____ to Tom’s.

A. interiorB. inferiorC. exteriorD. better

14. Sunglasses serve to ____ eyes from the glare of the sun.

A. shieldB. shelterC. defendD. guard

15. They bought that piece of land with a ____ to building a new shopping center.

A. purposeB. reasonC. viewD. goal

16. To be ____, I couldn’t understand what he was driving at.

A. modestB. frankC. sincereD. trivial

17. The exact cause of the killing disease was not known until Dr. Smith discovered it ____.

A. by all meansB. by accident 

C. by handD. by and by

18. David found the book ____, it provided him with so much information about the subject.

A. flatteringB. fabricating 

C. enlighteningD. perplexing

19. He had deceiveda great many people but she ____him at once.

A. saw throughB. saw off

C. saw aboutD. saw into

20. It’s on the top shelf, out of ____.

A. reachB. touchC. handD. distance

21. All the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a ____village.

A. closeB. nearC. nearbyD. neighborhood

22. He does not work but he gets a good ____ from his investment.

A. incomeB. salaryC. wageD. earning

23. Mr. Black asked his son Olive to buy a ____ of bread at the baker’s near his school.

A. poundB. loafC. bagD. packet

24. This detective story may not be ____ interesting to keep the child awake.

A. inadequatelyB. enoughC. sufficientlyD. amply

25. The two pieces of fried steak Karl had for dinner gave him a(n)____.

A. headacheB. infectionC. soar throatD. upset stomach



1. C)【句意】他们认为惩罚这个小孩是有理的,因为他行为不当。

【难点】be justified in doing意为“做…是正当的(有道理的)”。

2. B)【句意】由于在第一轮比赛就被淘汰,我们队便乘最早的航班返回了。


3. A)【句意】如果门不是被撞开的话,那么可以断定,强盗一定是有钥匙。

【难点】“it follows that…”是一个句型结构,意为“可以断定…”。

4. D)【句意】海伦小姐总买贵衣服。

【难点】higher 不对,因为不存在比较,highest是最高级,在意义上可以,但形容词的最高级要加“the”;high本来是形容词,不能形容“priced”,但副词highly可以与priced构成合成词highlypriced。

5. A)【句意】截止1990年,该地区的生产渴望比1980年翻一番。


6. D)【句意】给我的三样东西我都没有选,因为我发现没有一样令人满意。

【难点】首先,相对于两件事物来说,只能用either或neither,none是用在有三件或以上事物的情况中的。其次,主句说did not choose,说明都不好,从句应为否定。

7. C)【句意】熊猫的基本活动是睡眠,睡醒的时候寻找食物。

【难点】填入C) 后结构正确,因为and连接两个并列分句。

8. A)【句意】加利福尼亚大学创建于1868年,现由校长和24名董事管理。

【难点】founded in 1868作为一个插入成份修饰主语。

9. D)【句意】《榆树下的恋情》这出剧的第一幕介绍了演员阵容并暗示了故事情节。

【难点】表示“第一部”有两种方式:一、Act One 二、The first act。

10. B)【句意】我宁愿我们现在就上课。



【难点】come off 意为“发生,举行”;come to意为“涉及,谈到”;come out意为“真相大白”; come round意为“迂回而至”。

12. A)【句意】浪漫的幻想和残酷的现实是很多小说的主题。


13. B)【句意】鲍勃的工作不如汤姆的。

【难点】inferior(to) 意为“次的;次于…的”;interior意为“内部的”;exterior意为“外部的;外面的”;better意为“更好的”,后不接to.

14. A)【句意】太阳镜能为眼睛遮住眩目的太阳光。


15. C)【句意】他们购买那块地的目的是建一座新的购物中心。

【难点】with a view to doing 意为“为了…目的;打算做”;purpose意为“目的,意图”;reason意为“理由,原因”;goal意为“目标,目的”。后三个词不能代替view。

16. B)【句意】说实话,我不懂他说的是什么意思。

【难点】to be frank 是个习语,意为“开诚布公地说”,作句子的开首语。modest意为

“谦虚的”;sincere 意为“诚实的,真挚的”;trivial意为“琐碎的;不重要的”。

17. B)【句意】这个致命性疾病的确切原因直到史密斯博士偶然发现之后才真相大白。

【难点】by accident意为“偶然”;by all means意为“一定,务必”;by hand 意为“用手;用体力”;by and by意为“不久;过一会儿”。

18. C)【句意】大卫发现这本书很富启蒙性,因为这本书上有很多关于这个学科的知识。


19. A)【句意】他骗了很多人,但她一下子就把他看穿了。

【难点】see through意为“看穿,识破”;see off 意为“为…送行,向…告别”;see about意为“料理,办理”;see into意为“调查;领会,了解”。

20. A)【句意】东西在最上面的架子上,够不到。

【难点】out of reach意为“无法拿到的;力所不及的”。另三项选择不能与out of形成合理搭配。

21. C)【句意】城里的所有旅馆都住满了,所以我们住在附近的一个小村里。

【难点】nearby意为“在附近的”;close 意为“亲密的,紧密的”;near 意为“接近”,后接to;neighborhood意为“邻里地区”。

22. A)【句意】他不工作,而是从投资中得到丰厚的收入。

【难点】income意为“收入”;salary 意为“薪水”;wage意为“(以时间计酬的)日薪,周薪”;earning常用作复数形式,意为“所得,收入”。

23. B)【句意】布莱克先生让他儿子奥利弗到学校附近的面包店买块面包。

【难点】形容面包的量词单位应为loaf, 其它三个词不恰当。

24. C)【句意】这个侦探故事的趣味性可能不足以使这个孩子夜不能寐。


25. D)【句意】卡尔晚饭时吃了两块炸牛排,他感到肠胃不适。

【难点】an upset stomach意为“胃肠不舒服”;headache意为“头痛”;infection“感染”;sore throat意为“嗓子痛”。

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