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日期:02-18 13:57:48|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |商务英语考试|人气:815


Questions 23-30
. You will hear a talk given by, a spokesman of` the U. S. International Communication Department. He talks about a number of privately owned telephone discounter attacking the cartel of national telephone monopolies that keeps the price of international calls high.
. You have to complete the sentences (23-30) by choosing the correct ending.
. Make one letter (A ,B or C).

23. the Price of international calls into America is
A. higher than that of the calls out of America.
B. far lower than that of the calls out of America.
C. is the same as that of the calls out of America as it is decided by the cartel.

24. If you want to "ring back", you have to .
A. redial the telephone.
B. know the free telephone number to a computerized switch in another country.
C. find another person to call you back.

25. "Third-country calling refers to
A.. calling via another country.
B. finding a person in the third country to call.
C. calling through three countries.

26. International Discount Telecommunications uses
A. "ring-back " technique.
B. "discounting" technique .
C. "thired-country calling " technique.

27. According to the spokesman, a band of these tiny American discounters will be A. prosperous.
B. limited to an extent.
C. short-lived.

28. ATST refers to
A. American Telephone & Telex
B. Associated Telephone & Television
C. American Telephone & Telegraph

29. World Connect and World Reach is purposely .
A. to encourage the foreigners to use American calls.
B. to supplement the ``call-home "services.
C. to enlarge the communication between the U. S. and the world.

30. AT6T's new services have been declined by
A. Iraq.
B. Japan.
C. Syria.

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