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日期:03-14 12:00:38|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |公共英语考试|人气:786


第三部分  阅读理解




56.Before 1883, Now York and Washington had    and now they   .





57.It's now five thirty in New York. What time is it in Los Angeles?


58.It's now 2:30 Sept. 1st in Los Angeles. You take a train to New York. In twenty hours you will get there. What's time and date in New York then?


59.Which of the following shows the correct positions of the four time zones?




60.According to the author, the ability to separate the true from the false is   .





61.The author claims that what sets human beings apart from beasts is   .





62.According to the author, a good sense is   .





63.By "Good Sense" the author means   .





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