您现在的位置 :八百米考试网外语学历考试公共英语考试模拟试题Pets二级2017公共英语二级(PETS2)考试模拟试卷二(5)


日期:03-14 12:00:38|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |公共英语考试|人气:893


第二节 完形填空



36.about       among       between      for        

37.but        with       to        just       

38.must       should      can        may        

39.that       what       which       when       

40.would not     will not     have not     cannot      

41.further      and        not        but        

42.meaning      sense       time       place       

43.lonely      alone       only       one        

44.said       talked      spoken      told       

45.one        which       that       it        

46.partly      just       only       right       

47.also       or        between      and        

48.never       ever       once       before      

49.know       get        like       think       

50.an        a         the        any        

51.telling      share       tell       sharing      

52.other       others      another      the other     

53.with       for        about       to        

54.that       whom       this       which       

55.not        also       only       more    

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