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Playing Chess_关于下棋的英语作文

日期:11-04 01:07:18|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |初中英语作文

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    Every Sunday I like to play chess with my father.
    I learned to play chess from my father when I was very young. Now 1 am almost at the same level with my father. My father always says a small mistake will affect the result of the game. So we must take every step very carefully. When we face the danger, we much keep cool-headed.  Now my chess has improved a lot.
    I am now the chess champion in our school. Last year I took part in the chess competition in our district and came out second.
    1) at the same level同一水平
    2) affect the result of the game影响比赛的结果
    3) take every step carefully每走一步都要十分小心
    4) keep cool-headed头脑保持冷静
    5) My chess has improved a lot.我的棋艺有了很大的提高。
    6) came out second得了第二名

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