您现在的位置 :八百米考试网外语学历考试职称英语考试模拟试题卫生类2017年职称英语卫生类完形填空模拟试题二


日期:03-14 12:00:38|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |职称英语考试|人气:395

B) key                      C) way                        D) mean
3. A)B) The two               C) The two of              D) Of two
4. A) was succeeded     B) have succeeded    C) succeeded              D) was succeeding
5. A) was                      B) to be                     C) being                     D) having been
6. A) at                         B) on                         C) to                           D) in
7. A) that                      B)where                     C) in which                 D) who
8. A) a theatre               B) theatre                  C) theatres                  D) the treatre
9. A) which was helped B) that was helped     C) who helped             D) who has helped
10. A) later                   B) latter                     C) lately                      D) afterwards
11. A) like                    B) to                         C)D) as
12. A) of                      B) /                            C) as                           D) than
13. A) being his helper  B) was his helper       C) his helper                D) to be his helper
14. A) come here         B) come up                C) go away                 D) go down
15. A) besides             B) beside                   C) next                         D) by

答案:2.C  3.A  4.C  5.A  6.D  7.A  8.D  9.C  10.A  11.D  12.D  13.C  14.A  15.C

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