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PART I WRITING [45 min.]


Direction: Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:


You are to write in three paragraphs.

In the first paragraph, state clearly your viewpoint.

In the second paragraph, support your view with details.

In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.

Failure to follow the instruction may result in loss of marks.


Direction: Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:

Your friend Peter invited you to take part in his birthday party last night, but for some reason you didn‘t go there. Write him a note apologizing for your absence and explaining   your reason.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.


Direction: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 to 20 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will be then given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO.


Direction: In section A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct response for each question on your answer sheet.


Direction: In this section you will hear eight statements. At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.

1. What do we learn from the statement?

A. There was only one bank near the school.

B. She went to the bank by herself.

C. She borrowed money from the bank to pay her school fees.

D. There were free courses in banking at her school.


2. What does the speaker mean?

A. Bill thinks he‘s paying for the books.

B. Bill thanked him for getting the books.

C. He thinks he‘s supposed to pick him up.

D. He appreciates Bill‘s picking up his books.


3. According to the statement, ______

A. Linda must take ten more classes to get her degree.

B. After receiving her degree, Linda took some night classes.

C. It took Linda ten years to earn her degree.

D. If Linda got her degree, she could teach night classes.


4. What does the statement imply?

A. You read that letter before I do.

B. Blue print is less eye-catching than red print.

C. Fred has noticed that blue sign immediately.

D. I think you need a new red sign.


5. The speaker implies that ______

A. Ben isn‘t the only loud person.

B. Ben doesn‘t allow radios here.

C. only Ben is allowed to use the radio.

D. just Ben thinks the radio is too loud.


6. What do we know about Kevin?

A. He was afraid his train would be the last to leave.

B. He didn‘t want to miss the train, so he ran to catch it.

C. He knew he would miss the train because he couldn‘t find the station.

D. He saw his train leaving as he ran through the station:


7. The statement means that ______

A. if we want to be on time, we must make a right turn.

B. though we went the wrong way, we were still on time.

C. since we‘re not late, we must have come the right way.

D. we‘re late because we went the wrong way.


8. According to the speaker, Robert ______

A. is very opinionated.

B. tends to monopolize discussions.

C. seldom thinks about other people.

D. seldom tells people what he‘s thinking.



Direction: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.

9. What does the man say about the boxes?

A. He‘ll help the woman move them.

B. He‘ll keep them for the woman.

C. He can carry them with one hand.

D. He has a few more of them for the woman.


10. The man has been ______

A. booking a flight to Spain.

B. paying for private lessons.

C. giving Spanish tests to students.

D. studying continually for two days.



11. What does the man assume about the seminar?

A. It is not very good.

B. It will continue the following week.

C. The woman probably won‘t attend it.

D. There will be two seminars instead of four.


12. What does the woman mean?

A. She doesn‘t understand how Judy got her job.

B. She‘s surprised Judy is working in management.

C. She wonders how Judy does so many things.

D. She thinks Judy never should have taken a computer course.


13. This conversation probably takes place ______

A. at a science exhibit.

B. near an art museum.

C. at a news conference.

D. near a paint store.


14. The man is trying to ______

A. convince his classmates not to argue with the professor.

B. talk to the class about a field trip.

C. get to know his classmates by talking to them.

D. have the professor give lectures outside the class.


15. The photographer ______

A. isn‘t very thorough.

B. isn‘t easy to approach.

C. creates problems for himself.

D. is very inventive.


16. What does the woman suggest they do about the notes?

A. Forget them until later.

B. Go over them right away.

C. Move them away from the coffee cup.

D. Discuss them with Professor Johnson.


17. The woman implies that ______

A. she has finished only one step.

B. she doesn‘t have any more time for redecorating.

C. the redecorating is being done gradually.

D. it‘s time for the work to be finished.

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Questions 18 and 19 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

18. What was Nelson Mandela planning to do after his retirement?

A. He would take a role as an international mediator.

B. He would return to his home village and help the local development.

C. He would do whatever he is asked of.

D. He would only rest and enjoy nature.


19. When will he be retired?

A. On July 16.

B. On June 16.

C. On June 15.

D. On July 15.


Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

20. Who was accused of murder and causing explosions?

A. Nicholas Moore.

B. John Light.

C. David Copeland.

D. Andrea Dykes.


21. The three-people-killed bombing took place ______

A. on June 7.

B. nine days ago.

C. on June 2.

D. on April 30.


Questions 22 and 23 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

22. According to the news, Iran has been suffering from ______

A. flood.

B. dry weather.

C. economic crisis.

D. food crisis.


23. What products have been damaged?

A. Wheat, corn, meat and sugar.

B. Wheat, maize, cotton and meat.

C. Wheat, cotton, meat and bean.

D. Wheat, sugar, meat and bean.


Questions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

24. What is the main idea of the news?

A. A fire broke out when people were busy scooping up the petrol.

B. More than 100 people were engulfed by flames.

C. A fire caused by gas spill put 57 people to death.

D. As the petrol started to spill, local people ran up with cans to collect it.


25. According to the officials, the total death is ______

A. 57.

B. 60.

C. 86.

D. 67.

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PART IV CLOZE [15 min.]

Direction: Decide which of the choices below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank in your answer sheet.

The worldwide consumption of bakery products is increasing. Many populations that formerly relied 26)______ on rice or coarser grains as their main source of carbohydrates show a 27)______ for compounded bakery products as new industry and increased incomes make them more widely 28)______ Japan is an outstanding example of countries following this 29)______. The United States has shown a steady downward trend in 30)______ consumption of cereal-based foods for many years, and the consumption of sweet bakery foods, 31)______ cakes or pastry, has been increasingly displacing bread consumption.

Probably 95% of the white bread sold in the United States is 32)______ with thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and iron, and about 30 of the 50 states have laws 33)______ white bread enrichment. Formerly, calcium and vitamin D were frequently added to enrich bread, but lack of consumer demand and 34)______ nutritional benefit led to gradual phrasing out of these enrichments. India has 35)______ to encourage consumption of protein-enriched bread, 36)______ some success. Except for research projects, little has been done in other countries, 37)______. In areas where bakery products comprise a large 38)______ of the diet, they could provide ideal vehicle for nutritional supplementation. The need for better quality protein in the daily diet occurs 39)______ in the developing countries, where carbohydrate foodsusually cerealsare the basic 40)______ of the diet and therefore the logical protein carries.


A. partly

B. partially

C. solely

D. somewhat



A. preference

B. tendency

C. interest

D. likeness



A. used

B. acknowledged

C. accessible

D. possessable



A. increase

B. trend

C. change

D. example



A. per head

B. per capita

C. each person

D. percentage



A. either

B. neither

C. such as

D. for example



A. rich

B. enriched

C. plentiful

D. full



A. requesting

B. requiring

C. to require

D. to request



A. doubtful

B. uncertain

C. questionable

D. unsteady



A. intended

B. wanted

C. supposed

D. attempted



A. reaching

B. making

C. made

D. with



A. however

B. still

C. yet

D. by now



A. amount

B. number

C. scale

D. proportion



A. often

B. always

C. mostly

D. most



A. components

B. composition

C. compounds

D. ingredient

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Direction: There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. Mark your answer in your answer sheet.

41. A good harvest was obtained ______ the worse drought in sixty years.

A. though

B. despite

C. because of

D. even


42. They told me that Professor Liu ______ here for twenty years by this winter.

A. had taught

B. had been teaching

C. would be teaching

D. would have been teaching


43. The Chinese are ______ great people.

A. a

B. the

C. some

D. /


44. His wife and secretary ______ also ______.

A. has.. invited

B. have.. invited

C. is... invited

D. are.. invited


45. Their income increased ______ 21% over that of the previous year.

A. at

B. with

C. by

D. to


46. We‘ve produced ______ this year ______ we did ten years ago.

A. twice more cotton.., than

B. twice as much cotton.., than

C. twice the cotton.., as

D. twice as much cotton.., as


47. They exchanged views on the question ______.

A. of whom selected

B. to select whom

C. of whom to select

D. of whom being selected


48. The man was questioned by the police because he was seen ______ around the bank.

A. wander

B. to wander

C. wandering

D. wandered


49. John was ______ to be found. I looked ______ for him, but in vain.

A. anywhere.., nowhere

B. somewhere.., nowhere

C. nowhere.., anywhere

D. nowhere.., everywhere


50. He phrased the matter in ______ that there would be no understanding of it.

A. this way

B. that way

C. such a way

D. such way


51. She was all alone in the world ______ an old aunt.

A. except

B. except for

C. but

D. only


52. The mechanical engineer has resigned, making the task ______.

A. all the more difficult

B. all more difficult

C. very more difficult

D. the more difficult

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53. You are planning everything on the ______ that he is coming with us.

A. consumption

B. resumption

C. assumption

D. observation


54. The trial is to be ______ while new evidence is being considered.

A. suspended

B. continued

C. resumed

D. ended


55. The child has a bad habit of chewing his nails ______.

A. consciously

B. unconsciously

C. disconsciously

D. conscientiously


56. In order to study for a degree in America, he had to become ______ in English.

A. proficient

B. prominent

C. familiar

D. experienced


57. French wines no longer ______ the wine trade of the USA. American wines have taken their places.

A. command

B. dominate

C. hold

D. occupy


58. The sun soon ______ the mist.

A. scattered

B. discharged

C. discarded

D. dispelled


59. Your reasons for not wanting to meet Smith may be many and ______, but you must still meet him.

A. variable

B. various

C. varied

D. variant


60. He was so ______ in his work that he completely forgot the time.

A. engrossed

B. attracted

C. intent

D. concentrated


61. He was not ______ as a great writer until after his death.

A. considered

B. supposed

C. recognized

D. acknowledged


62. We want to ______ our thinking and work to the new circumstances.

A. adopt

B. adapt

C. renovate

D. innovate


63. A lot of poisonous ______ from the chemical works goes into the river.

A. waste

B. exhaust

C. exhaustion

D. pollution


64. He has put a little money ______ and intends to take a holiday.

A. away

B. forward

C. down

D. aside


65. Marsha got so ______ when arguing with her husband that she killed him.

A. carried out

B. carried on

C. carried over

D. carried away

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SECTION A [25 min.]

Direction: In this section there are four passages followed by fifteen questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer. Mark your choice on your answer sheet.


The Netherlands borders Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North sea to the north and west. The landscape is extremely flat. There are a few hills in the southeast corner of the country. Water is everywherelakes, rivers, and canals, of many types, ranging from the large transport arteries for barge traffic to the narrow drainage ditches that crisscross the fields where Holland‘s five million cows graze, making fences unnecessary.

Land is very precious in the Netherlands. The special relationship between the Dutch and their lands, which they have so painstakingly reclaimed from the sea or converted from swamp, has shaped their character. The history has been a constant struggle to tame the natural forces of water, and they love the saying that "God made the world, but the Dutch made Holland themselves." Hardly any patch of ground is wasted in the Netherlands. The extreme care in land use can be frustrating to people who would like to build their own house, but it is also the reason why the second most crowded country in the world (after Bangladesh) can be a net exporter of food. In fact only the Americans export more food than the Dutch. Each of the Netherlands‘ three largest cities is a capital in its own way and each has its own special flavour. Amsterdam is the social and cultural centre, and its theatres, concert halls, museums and cafes are famous. It is full of visitors from many other countries. Rotterdam, with its huge international port, is the industrial centre and the country‘s commercial capital. Bombs flattened much of Rotterdam in the Second World War, so that its modern buildings contrast sharply with the 17-century centre of Amsterdam. The Hague is the seat of government and diplomacy and the residence of the Queen.

66. ______ make fences unnecessary in keeping the cows.

A. lakes and rivers

B. the large transport arteries for barge traffic

C. the narrow drainage ditches that crisscross the fields

D. all of the above


67. Holland can be a net exporter of food, mainly because ______

A. the soil in the Netherlands is very rich and productive.

B. the Dutch are very good at planting grains.

C. the Dutch have most advanced machines that help planting.

D. the Dutch value every inch of the ground and make full use of it.


68. If a president of a certain country wants to meet the leader of Holland, he should go to ______

A. Amsterdam.

B. Rotterdam.

C. Hague.

D. Utrecht.


69. Holland is a(n) ______

A. a republic.

B. an empire.

C. a monarchy.

D. not mentioned.



The American cigarette companies are worried that the antismoking campaign is catching fire and the U.S. government may issue stronger regulations concerning the use of tobacco.


Many government and private buildings have "No Smoking" regulations, as do airplanes, trains and massage parlors. Golf courses are thinking of banning smokers, as are schools, shopping malls and even football buddies.

So where do people go to fill their lungs with nicotine? The government is working on it. One suggestion making the rounds is that the government set aside a piece of land somewhere in the United States where smokers could go when they want a cigarette. Yellow Stone Park has been mentioned, but conservationists have opposed the idea because they fear that second-hand smoking would make all the grizzly bears sick. The Mojave Desert in California is also being studied, as are Las Vegas Casinos.

The smokers are not too thrilled about the government idea. They say they are not going to Nebraska just to light up. They have a right to smoke at home. To make life more pleasant for those who would be going to the smoking "reservation", the government is seriously thinking of getting the Army Corps of Engineers to build gambling casinos.

The officials in the government say they realize that they are inconveniencing people by making them go so far away to blow smoke rings. But it had to come to this or ban smoking in the entire country. Once everyone gets used to the idea, all will be better off.

The tobacco companies are fighting the idea like mad. They say nobody has proved conclusively that cigarettes are bad for you. They say as a matter of fact, the doctors have proved that a cigarette inhaled after someone has been shot can save that person‘s life.

Other sites still being considered are the Tundra in Alaska, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado and the Whitewater River in Arkansas.

70. Before the anti-smoking campaign is catching fire, there were ______ concerning the use of tobacco in the U. S. A.

A. no regulations

B. some regulations but not severe ones

C. severe regulations

D. not mentioned in the passage


71. A smoker can‘t smoke absolutely in ______

A. all the government buildings.

B. trains.

C. golf courses.

D. shopping malls.


72. Which place is least likely to be reservations for smokers?

A. The Mojave Desert.

B. The Tundra.

C. Yellow Stone Park.

D. The Whitewater River.


73. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Antismoking campaign puts pressure on government in restricting tobacco.

B. Smokers has to go to Nebraska only if they want to blow smoke rings.

C. Casinos are built by the Army Corps of Engineers.

D. The officials realize they are inconveniencing smokers, so they will stop banning smoking.




Nowadays more and more foreign enterprises and companies are no longer relying on interviews for recruitment. Years of studying interviewing has made clear that it is not a very objective process. Personnel officers often hire the person they like best, or even the one they think most physically attractive. Looking good is no guarantee of doing the job well, however. Uglies or those who are aesthetically challenged, take heart.


To get a more objective view, many companies are also using psychological tests to hire both for relatively routine jobs and for positions at senior levels of management. It is impossible to say how many employers use tests, but estimates of test sales in the UK for 1993 were over 1 million.

The basic reason employers use tests is clear: tests claim to be scientific and objective. A large body of research has shown that interviews by themselves are not very reliable as a method of selection. People‘s judgment are often very subjective: whether they like the look of someone counts for more than almost anything else. But reliable and valid tests can offer rapid and more objective information about would-be employees. If a candidate talks well in an interview but his test results suggest that he is a careless person who can not concentrate, an employer is likely to think twice about hiring him.

Taking a serious test for a job is rather different from taking a game-like test. You can spend just a little time in answering questions of that kind of test, and you deny the answers and say they are not accurate. But you can not go to a serious test without enough preparation since you can not afford to be denied and eliminated again and again.

74. In the past, who would be sure to be recruited after an interview?

A. The person who was good-looking.

B. The person who had great abilities.

C. The person who is physically attractive.

D. The person who is appreciated by personnel officer in a certain aspect.


75. Many companies use psychological tests ______

A. to take the place of interviews.

B. just to select common clerks.

C. to make the recruitment more difficult for candidates.

D. to get really reliable and fair information about candidates.


76. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

A. For a certain time, psychological tests and interviews will exist together.

B. Psychological tests have been recognized valuable more and more.

C. The employer will never hire a person who does well in the interview but poorly in the psychological tests.

D. People seldom attend a test without enough preparation unless they are confident in it.

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In 1990 over 50 percent of children under the age of five were attending school; in 1966 the figure was only 15 percent. However, thanks to a falling birth rate, school enrolls continue to fall. In 1979/80,43 percent of schools had over 1,000 pupils; a decade later only 22 percent exceeded this figure.


Independent schools attracted 7 percent of all pupils in Great Britain in 1990a 2 percent increase since 1976.

The National Curriculum for 5-16 year-olds was introduced to state schools in autumn 1989. Of the ten foundation subjects it recommends, English, maths and science are core subjects. Formal assessments of individual abilities are made at the age of 7, 11,14,and 16. The first assessments took place in 1991. Seven-year-olds were tested in English, science and maths and the results made available to parents only. The first tests for 14-year-olds take place in 1992 and the results, unlike those for the first Key Stage, were published in aggregate form.

The Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) is a program designed to help 14-18-year-olds develop the skills and knowledge required in the labour force. The course offers the opportunity of practical work experience with a Record of Achievement and Careers guidance at the end of it.

The Compact inner-city initiative, launched in 1988, is another scheme designed to bring pupils, schools, employers and training organizations together. By 1991 there were 500 schools and 92,000 young people involved with their local compact. City Technology Colleges (CTCs) are non-fee-paying schools in urban areas. Their broad-based curriculum emphasized science and technology. By the end of 1991, there were 12 CTCs around Britain.

Higher education. Since 1970 there have consistently been more females than males involved in full-time higher education. Between 1980 and 1990 there was an overall increase of 30 percent in the number of students, mostly at polytechnics and colleges rather than universities. During the same period the number of mature students (those aged 21 and over when starting an undergraduate course and 25 and over when starting a postgraduate course) increased by 55 percent.

77. In 1990, ______ had more than one thousand pupils.

A. 15% of all the schools in UK

B. 22% of all the schools in UK

C. 43% of all the schools in UK

D. 50% of all the schools in UK


78. Which is the true statement about the first assessments?

A. They took place two years before the National Curriculum was put to use.

B. Seven-year-olds were tested only in core subjects.

C. Seven-year-olds were uninformed of the results.

D. Seven-year-olds should take science test.


79. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. In 1990 over 50 percent of children were attending school.

B. In 1976 public school attracted 95~ of all pupils in UK.

C. In TVE1 students only study theories without testifying them in practice.

D. Before 1970,there should have been more males than females involved in full-time higher education.


80. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A. The average age of students attending the first period of education has been changed from 7 to 6.

B. There are more and more mature students now at colleges.

C. The general condition of the educational system in UK.

D. The best way for a child to attend school in order to achieve much more success.

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Direction: In this section there are eight passages followed by ten questions or unfinished statements. Skim or scan the passages as required and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.


First read the following question.

81. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Australia‘s film industry hasn‘t been brilliant before.

B. Originally, the awards held by Australian Film Institute were not important indeed.

C. Australians are film fans.

D. You can always find the film you want in Australia.


Now skim the passage below and answer the question.

Australia‘s film industry is booming once again. It hasn‘t been in such a healthy state since the beginning of this century. Funding has been increased dramatically and film and television students are turning out superb films. Since 1958, the Australian Film Institute has held it awards annually. From a comparatively low key event, the awards have evolved into a major celebration of the films made during the year. Australians generally are great film goers and there are plenty of cinemas to attest to this fact. Each city has many commercial theatres showing the latest releases from local sources and from around the world. There are also cinemas that survive by showing nothing but the classics, movies we‘ll never forget. Still others specialize in foreign films. Nothing has been left out. If there‘s a film you particularly want to see, chances are you‘ll find it on somewhere.


First read the following questions.

82. Which of the following is NOT true about Bill Gates?

A. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world.

B. Bill Gates has many original ideas.

C. Bill Gates is creative.

D. Bill Gates founded Microsoft with another man.


83. From the first sentence of the second paragraph, we can infer that ______

A. Bing Crosby was also a technological genius.

B. Bing Crosby was good at mixing many kinds of music.

C. Bing Crosby was only known to the computer business.

D. Bing Crosby was a very successful businessman.


Now skim the passage and answer the questions.

If we are talking creativity and ideas, Bill Gates is an American unoriginal. He is Microsoft‘s chief and cofounder, he is the world‘s richest man, and his career delivers this message: It can be wiser to follow than to lead. Let the innovators hit the beaches and take the losses; if you hold back and follow, you can clean up in peace and quiet.

Gates is the Bing Crosby of American technology, borrowing a tune here and a tune there and turning them all into great buffo hitsby dint of heroic feats of repackaging and sheer Herculean blandness. Granted he is (to put it delicately) an unusually hard-driving and successful businessman, but the Bill Gates of our imagination is absurdly overblown.

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