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日期:02-24 20:00:05|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |商务英语考试|人气:880


  1.That company supplies paper to the printers.
  重点词语:supply n./v.供给
  商务用语:supply the market with new commodities 向市场供应新商品
  supply a need /demand 满足需要
  have a good supply of 备有许多
  2.According to a recent survey, in Shanghai alone there are more than 2.5 million migrant workers.
  重点词语:survey n.调查
  商务用语:monthly survey 月评
  geological survey 地质勘察
  annual survey 年度调查
  appraisal survey 估价调查
  3.There are plans to take over the company.
  重点词语:take over n.①接管 ②接任,接替
  商务用语:take over from 取代
  take over as 接替某一职务

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