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日期:02-09 12:34:32|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |英语四六级考试|人气:603





  Would–be language teachers everywhere have one thing in common: they all want some recognition of their professional status and skills, and a job. The former requirement is obviously important on a personal level, but it is vital if you are to have any chance of finding work.

  Ten years ago, the situation was very different. In virtually every developing country, and in many developed countries as well, being a native English speaker was enough to get you employed as an English teacher.

  Now employers will only look at teachers who have the knowledge, the skills and attitudes to teach English effectively. The result of this has been to raise non-native English teachers to the same status as their native counter-parts(相对应的人)--- something they have always deserved but seldom enjoyed. Non-natives are happy--- linguistic discrimination(语言上的歧视)is a thing of the past.

  An ongoing research project, funded by the University of Cambridge, asked a sample of teachers, educators and employers in more than 40 countries whether they regarded the native /non-native speakers distinction as being at all important. “No” was the answer. As long as candidates can teach and had the required level of English, it didn’t matter who they were and where they came from. Thus, a new form of discrimination--- this time justified because it singled out the unqualified--- liberated the linguistically oppressed(受压迫的). But the Cambridge did more than just that: it confirmed that the needs of native and non-native teachers were extremely similar.

  1. The selection of English teachers used to be mainly based on ________.

  2.What did non-native English teachers deserve but seldom enjoy?

  3. What kind of people can now find a job as an English teacher?

  4. What is the result of the “new form of discrimination”(Line 5, Para.4)?

  5. The phrase “the linguistically oppressed”(Line 6, Para. 4) refers to those who were_________.



  一个英语教师的标准是什么?是不是只要是a native English speaker就可以了呢?A native English speaker是否就比a non-native English speaker强呢?该篇短文对比了对英语教师过去和现在的职业要求和资格评价的情况,介绍了现在对本族语英语教师和非本族语英语教师一视同仁的变化。

  第一题 The selection of English teachers used to be mainly based on ________.

  题解:本题的重要线索是题干中的“used to”。文章的第二段提到“十年前,……只要是a native English speaker,你就足以成为一名英语教师了”。换句话说,就是过去选择英语教师的标准就是看你是不是a native English speaker。所以本题的正确答案可以是:…whether they were English speakers。


  (2)题干中的“used to”告诉我们答案中也要用过去时态;如果信手写成whether they are English speakers是要扣0.5分的;

  (3)题干中的“English teachers”是一个复数,答案中也要用复数。如果信手写成whether he was English speakers是要扣0.5分的;


  l 可得2.0分的回答:

  1) their nationality

  2) whether they were native speakers or not

  3) the language the teachers had as mother tongue

  4) the job applicants’ nationality

  5) where they came from and their mother tongue

  l 可得1.5分的回答:

  1) whether is a native speaker or not


  2) their citizenship, whether the job applicants were English speakers or not.

  超词,共11个词,扣0.5分。 l 可得1分的回答

  1) being a native speaker was enough to get you employed


  2) they were native speakers or not and whether professional status

  “whether…or not”句式表达错误,扣0.5分。部分内容与问题无关,扣0.5分。

  l 可得0.5分的回答:

  1) nation. A English man is enough to be a English teacher.


  2) Speaking. You should being a native speaker.

  回答不全面,包含部分正确内容,得1 分。语言错误,扣0.5分。

  l 可得0分的回答:

  1) their professional status and skills

  2) a personal level

  3) a native English speaker

  4) the knowledge, the skills and the attitudes.


  第二题 What did non-native English teachers deserve but seldom enjoy?

  题解:本题有较明确的线索,在第三段中有“something they have always deserved but seldom enjoyed”,本题的答案显然是这个“something”,那么它究竟指的是什么呢?答案很简单,在something的前面有一个破折号,去找一找前面的名词短语就是了,所以答案是:the same status as their native counterparts。


  l 可得2.0分的回答:.

  1) The status that/which the native counterparts have.

  2) The same status as the native English teachers

  3) Having the same status as those native speakers.

  l 可得1.5分的回答:

  1) Same status as their native counterparts. 语法错误,应为The same status,扣0.5分。

  2) There shouldn’t be linguistic discrimination. 问题以what提问,应回答具体事物,但句子内容基本切合题义,因此扣0.5分。

  3) Raising them to the same status as the native speakers. 语态错误,应为被动语态,扣0.5分。

  4) They were at the same status as the native English teachers. 时态错误,应为现在时,扣0.5分。

  l 可得1分的回答:

  1. Recognition of professional status and skills and a job. 回答包含部分答案,但不全面也不清楚,扣1分。

  2. The result that they have the same status as their native counterparts. 问题问的是没有享受到的事物,回答中用the result,不太合题意,扣0.5分。超词,扣0.5分。

  l 可得0.5分的回答:

  1) Raising of their status. 仅提到地位的提升,但提升到什么程度这一关键内容没有涉及,因此扣1.5分。

  2) They can teach English like native English teachers.


  l 可得0分的回答:

  1) Linguistic discrimination.

  2) Like their native counterparts.

  3) The chances to be an English teacher.

  4) The native English teacher

  第三题 What kind of people can now find a job as an English teacher?

  题解: 本题有两处重要线索,只要找到一处,即能找到正确答案。这两处线索分别是:第三段的第一句话说,现在雇主们只去注意那些……的人,省略号的部分即是答题的关键。另一处线索是第四段的第二句话,“只要他们能……”,能答出此处,也是正确的。

  要点: (1)问题是“什么样的人”,因此本题的作答应该是名词短语,最好用定语从句。




  Those who are qualified.

  Those who can teach English effectively.

  l 可得2分的回答:

  1) Those who have good skills and attitudes to teach effectively.

  2) Both qualified native English speakers and non-native speakers.

  3) Whoever has the knowledge, the skills and the right attitudes.

  l 可得1.5分的回答:

  1) Having the knowledge, the skill and teaching English effectively.


  2) Those who have knowledge and skills, can teach English effectively. 语言错误,应为,扣分。

  3) Who can teach and have the required level of English. 语言错误,应添加,才能具有名词性,扣分。

  l 可得1分的回答:

  1) People who has knowledge, the skills and attitudes to teach English effectively. 语言错误,应为have,扣分。超词,扣分。

  2) The knowledgeable, skillful people who have the required English level.

  错误使用knowledgeable,该词意思是“渊博的”,与答案内容无关,扣0.5分。若具体回答成为一个英语教师的条件,应为the knowledge, the skills, and the right attitudes,回答中仅提到the skill一项,扣0.5分。

  l 可得0.5分的回答:

  1) The people who had the required level of English. 答案关键内容缺失较多,扣1分。时态错误,扣0.5分。

  2) A people who have the attitudes to teacher English effectively. 句中语言错误较多,扣0.5分。句子语意与原文意义相差较远,扣1分。

  l 可得0分的回答:

  1) He’s the knowledge, the skills, attitudes to teach English effectively.

  2) People can teach English effectively.



  1) He who has the knowledge … (1.5分)

  2) People who can teach… (2分)


  第四题What is the result of the “new form of discrimination”(Line 5, Para.4)?

  题解: 这是类似于阅读理解中词义判断的题,但与做阅读理解不同的是,在阅读理解中存在两种词汇题,其一是考查学生利用上下文猜单词的能力,其二是考查根据上下文对(主要是熟悉的)词语的理解能力。而在简答题中,考查的对象主要是第二点。


  在找到第四段中的这个短语后,可以发现在“a new form of discrimination”的破折号之后的部分内容就是答案。稍微组织一下,可以全面的回答为 it singled out the unqualified and liberated the linguistically oppressed。


  要点: 问题是“……的结果”,应该用完整的句子作答。


  l 标准答案:

  The linguistically oppressed are liberated.

  Unqualified English teachers are singled out.

  l 可得2分的回答:

  1) The result is that the linguistically oppressed were liberated.

  2) Singling out the unqualified, liberating the linguistically oppressed.

  3) The unqualified teachers are singled out while the qualified liberated.

  4) It liberated the non-native English teachers linguistically oppressed.

  5) It selected the qualified teachers and singled out the unqualified.

  l 可得1.5分的回答:

  1) The inqualified English teachers are singled out. 语言错误,扣0.5分。

  2) It single out the unqualified liberated ^ linguistically oppressed. 多处语言错误,扣0..5分。

  3) To liberate the linguistically oppressed 不定式表将来,问题问的是已产生的后果,时间不符,扣0.5分。

  l 可得1分的回答:

  1) Qualification may be more important. 句子意义与短文内容不贴切,扣1分。

  2) The non-native teachers replace those unqualified native teachers.


  3) The unqualified native English teachers will be fired.


  l 可得0.5分的回答:

  The non-natives could also become an English teacher.


  l 得0分的回答:

  1) Teachers are justified if they were qualified.

  2) It will improve the teachers’ all kinds of level.

  3) The non-native speaks are liberate.


  第五题 The phrase “the linguistically oppressed”(Line 6, Para. 4) refers to those who were_________.

  题解: 本题的短文中的位置与第四题在同一句话中,但答题的线索却不相同。它的线索其实是基于对全文的理解。本文主要是就英语教师的问题,将过去和现在人们对native English speakers和non-native English speakers的英语教师的态度和评判的标准加以对比。在第二段(问题的第一题)指出在过去,只要是native English speaker,你就能是英语教师了,这暗示人们对native English speaker的盲目倾向;第三段指出了人们现在评判英语教师的标准(第二题),最后一句说,“Non-natives are happy--- linguistic discrimination(语言上的歧视)is a thing of the past”,言外之意是过去Non-natives 在过去是受歧视的。那么“受歧视的”与“受压迫的”明显指的是同一种人,所以本题的答案很简单,就是non-native English speakers 的英语教师,可以用英语表达为:non-native teachers of English。

  但本题中有一个陷阱,就是前面的it singled out the unqualified。在过去受压迫的non-native teachers of English中肯定也有合格的和不合格的,所以显然不是所有的non-native teachers of English都被解放了,那些不合格的还是被剔除了。所以如果只答出non-native teachers of English的话,只是理解对了一半,最终本题的正确答案应该是在non-native teachers of English前加上qualified一词。

  要点: (1)问题中要填的是定语从句的表语部分,表示“什么样的人”,因此本题的作答应该是名词短语而不要用句子。

  (2)题干中的“who were”表明这是过去时,这是一个重要的线索。

  l 标准答案:

  qualified non –native teachers of English.

  l 可得2分的回答:

  1) qualified in teaching English but were non-native speakers.

  2) good English teachers but were non-natives.

  3) non-native English teachers who could teach English effectively.

  l 可得1.5分的回答:

  1) non-native speakers but have the ability to teach well.

  回答中没有明确讲教什么课程教的好,与短文意义略有差异,扣0.5分。如果是“teach English”的话,就对了。

  2) able to teach English but not a native English speaker.


  3) the non-native speakers who are qualified for the job.


  l 可得1分的回答:

  1) non-native English teachers

  短文中对的定义中包含两方面的定义:1. non-native ,2. qualified。回答中只涉及定义的一方面,扣1分。

  2) non-native English teachers but had the required level of English.


  3) qualified but unemployed for their being non-native speakers


  l 可得0.5分的回答:

  1) non-native English teachers without right treatment. 回答不全面,且有部分内容有语言错误,扣1.5分。

  2) non-native English speaker and have the required level of English.回答不全面,且有语言错误,扣1.5分。

  l 得0分的回答:

  1) employed as a teacher.

  2) the native speakers

  3) employers who have required level but a non-native.


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