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日期:02-16 23:43:08|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |公共英语考试|人气:976



[B]   [C]      [D] Now look at question 1.

[ B] He has a good reason to be angry.

[D] He doesn't have an extra umbrella.

[B] To a car rental agency.

             [D] To a videocassette store.

[B] Cleaned the kitchen.

[ D ] Left the groceries out.

[B] Teaching biology.

[D] Taking a different course.

                [B] Twice a week.

[D] Every evening.

[B] Viola.

                      [D] Bass.

[B] Intermediate.

[D] Professional.

[ B ] Treasurer.

[D] President.

[B] A candidate.

[D] A campaign manager.

[B] In the man's room.

[D] In the radio station.

[B] During lunch.

[D] During dinner.

[B] Write a speech.

[D] Study for chemistry.

[ B] Review the man' s talk.

[D] Vote in the school election.

26  . It must have fuel to produce motion and do   27   as an engine does. The nutrients (营养物28   energy best are carbohydrates (碳水化合物29   extremely valuable to the body, cannot be used as fuel.

30   are used for energy, the   31   is stored. Two storage places are the liver (肝32   , however, to the amount of carbohydrates they can   33  . When they are filled and they always   34   be for you to feel your best, excess carbohydrates are changed to fat and   35   around the body.

36   a sufficient amount of food, it will use its stored fat for energy. If you   37   at all, the body would use up all the stored fats and   38   it would use its own protein in order to keep   39   as long as possible.  Therefore, the   40   amount of food you eat should be in   41   with your energy requirements. It is not necessary,   42  , for you to go   43   counting calories (卡路里44   weight, it is safe to   45   that he is eating enough.

[B] needs           [C] does          [D] is

[B] function         [C] behaviour      [D] work

[B] offer             [C] supply         [D] grant

[B] since           [C] when          [D] while

[B]such            [C] which         [D] that

[B] excess           [C] assess          [D] extra

[B] barrier           [C] limit           [D] terminal

[B] hold            [C] involve        [D] press

[B] would           [C] could          [D] should

[B] distributed       [C] separated       [D] stretched

[B] up            [C] on           [D] down

[B] mustn 't eat      [C] did not eat     [D] have not eaten

[B] but             [C] because       [D] then

[B] alive            [C] asleep         [ D] awake

[B] overall           [C] usual          [D] total

[B] accordance       [C] contrast        [D] line

[B] otherwise        [C] moreover       [D] however

[ B ] away             [ C ] after        [ D ] against

[B] same            [C] right          [D] accurate

[B] remind          [C] recommend     [D] suppose


[ B] identity

[D] fame

[B] 250,000

[ D] 60 million

[ B ] traffic jams

[ D ] mental stress


[B] his father's teaching and encouragement

[D] a hidden urge within him

[B] when he was studying at Harvard

[ D ] after he entered college



61 to 65, match name of each speaker to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.


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