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日期:02-18 15:08:38|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |成人高考|人气:694


    47. Where should you go for help if you fail to find a place to live?
   A. Room 114.
   B. Room 207.
   C. Room 222.
   D. Room 113.
   48. As a foreign student, you may go to Room 127 to _______.
   A. apply for a scholarship
   B. ask for some special food
   C. inquire about educational fees
   D. obtain a copy of certificate
   49. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
   A. You need to call first to go to the Language Learning center.
   B. You are able to watch video programs in the library.
   C. The college nurse is available for some time in the afternoon.
   D. Student Services Centre can help students apply for higher education.
   50. This passage is most useful for _______.
   A. People living around the college
   B. Students who graduate from the college
   C. New students of the college
   D. Parents of the students



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