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日期:02-18 15:08:31|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |成人高考|人气:113

   William Shakespeare was born more than 440 years ago and spent his childhood in his hometown, Stratford-on-Avon. Little was known about his childhood though many stories are told, some of which may be true. He probably went to Grammar school at Stratford. At thirteen he had to leave school as his father became poorer at one time. So William had to make his own living. At the age of eighteen he married a farmer’s daughter.
   Not long after he left Stratford for London. London was growing rapidly. All kinds of people could be found in it, and here Shakespeare met travelers, students, and scholars, and he was very interested in the stories they told. He also met writers and actors. He soon found some work in a theatre. Before long he became an actor and writer of plays too. There were a few theatres in London. One of the most famous of these was called Globe. Shakespeare himself became one of the owners of this theatre. His became famous as a writer of plays soon after. He made use of the writing of others and found ideas in the old poems of Chaucer. By his gift he turned all these old stories into great works of his own. Shakespeare wrote no fewer than thirty-seven plays in his life. Now his works are loved and studied all over the world.



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