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日期:11-01 22:07:07|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |四年级英语学习



2、Goodbye!—Bye! / See you!

3、What’s your name?—My name’s Mike. / I am Mike.

4、Who are you?—I’m Mike. / My name’s Mike.

5、I have a pen.—Me too.

6、I have a panda.—Cool! / Super! / Wow! / Great! / Me too.

7、Happy Teachers’ Day!—Thank you.

8、Happy Halloween!—Thank you.

9、This is my friend, Mike.—Nice to meet you.

10、Good morning!—Good morning!

11、Good afternoon! —Good afternoon!

12、Let’s go to school!—OK! / Great!

13、Nice to meet you. —Nice to meet you,too.

14、Where is your ear?—Here it is!

15、What’s in the picture?—A pen and an eraser.

16、Let’s  play / paint / eat !— OK! / Great!

17、I have a cat.—Mew mew.

18、How are you?—I’m fine, thanks./ Fine, thank you. / Very well, thanks. / I’m OK. Thanks.

19、May I have a look? —Sure./ OK! Here you are.

20、It’s nice / lovely!  I like it.—Thanks.

21、What do you like?—I like cakes / milk.

22、I like hamburgers / chicken / blue.—Me too.

23、Have some bread.—OK, thank you. / No, thanks.

24、Thank you!—You’re welcome!

25、Can I have some chicken, please?—Sure/OK. Here you are.

26、Happy birthday to you!—Thank you.

27、How old are you?—Nine. / I’m nine.

28、How many cakes?—Three cakes.

29、This cake is for you.—Thanks.

30、Happy New Year!—Happy New Year!

31、Where are you from?—I’m from China / Canada / America / England.

32、Happy Women’s Day!—Thank you!

本文Tags: 三年级英语   四年级英语学习四年级英语学习英语学习 - 四年级英语学习
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