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日期:02-24 20:00:01|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |商务英语考试|人气:186


  1.applicable adj.(规则)可适用的,合适的,有利的
  【商务用语】an applicable rule 切实可行的规则
  applicable to all cases 适合于一切场合
  applicable law (合同等)适用的法律
  applicable law rules 关于使用法律的规则
  2.applicant n.请求人,申请人;投保人
  【商务英语】job applicant 求职者
  loan applicant 申请借款人
  patent applicant 专利申请人
  applicant and allotments book 股票申请及分配簿
  【例句】He is the most sutiable one for the position among the applicants.
  3.appointed adj. 约定的;受指派的;受任命的;设备的
  【商务用语】appointed day 指定日期
  appointed foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行
  appointed licensing bank 指定办理进出口业务银行;签证银行
  【例句】We met at the appointed time and the appointed place.
  4.appraisal n.评价;估价;鉴定
  【商务用语】depreciation appraisal 估价折旧;折旧估算
  investment appraisal 投资估价
  appraisal of damage 损失评定
  5.appraise vt.评价;估价;评定
  【例句】Property is appraised for taxation.


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