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A: What’s your favorite flavor of ice-cream?
B: I like both chocolate and vanilla.
n. 冰淇淋

A: Have you found a good place to live yet?
B: Yes. We found an ideal house for us next to a mountain stream.
a. 1.理想的,完满的;2.想象的;空想的
n. 1.理想;2.理想的东西(或人)

A: The speech you gave this year was identical to the one you gave at the conference last year.
B: I know. I didn’t have time to write a new one.
a. 1.(to, with) 相同的,相等的;2.同一的

A: I’m sick of being stuck in a dead-end job.
B: I can really identify with your problem, but I’m not sure what advice to give you.
vt. 1.认出,鉴定;2.(with) 把...等同于
vi. (with) 认同

A: Do you know the identity of the thief?
B: No. He was moving too quickly for me to recognize him.
n. 1.身份;2.个性,特性;3.同一性,一致性

A: I’m not sure what to do with all of this idle time.
B: Maybe you should read some books.
a. 1.懒散的,无所事事的;2.空闲的,闲着的;3.无用的,无效的
vi. 懒散,无所事事
vt. (away) 虚度(光阴)

A: It’s amazing that kids today know so little about history.
B: Their ignorance is astounding.
n. 无知,愚昧

A: Do you think the economy will have a better year next year?
B: Actually, I’m really ignorant when it comes to the economy.
a. 1.(of)不知道的;2.无知的,愚昧的

A: Why did jimmy get kicked out of school?
B: Because he got caught selling illegal drugs.
a. 不合法的,非法的

A: What do you do for a living?
B: I illustrate comic books.
vt. 1.说明,阐明;2.给...作插图说明

A: Aren’t the illustrations in this book beautiful?
B: Yes. They really accentuate the story.
n. 1.说明,例证;2.图解,插图

A: My hair looks terrible! Everybody’s going to hate me!
B: You shouldn’t be so concerned about your image.
n. 1.形象,声誉;2.印象;3.像,映像,图象;4.形象的描述,象征,比喻

A: She’s one of my favorite authors.
B: I also love her books. It’s amazing how she can make an imaginary world seem so real.
a. 想象中的,假想的,虚构的

A: Is it just my imagination, or is that Jody standing over there?
B: Oh, it’s him. He got back form abroad last week.
n. 1.想象,想象力;2.空想,幻觉;3.想象出来的事物

A: My paintings will never look like Picasso’s!
B: Instead of trying to imitate great painters, I would suggest that you work on developing your own style.
vt. 1.模仿,仿效;2.仿制,仿造

A: During this time of immense change in the global economy, it’s crucial that we remain competitive in the market.
A: As long as we put out good products, I don’t think we’ll have a problem.
a. 广大的,巨大的

A: How long has your family been in the United States?
B: My grandparents were immigrants, and my parents were born in the US.
n. 移民,侨民

A: What sort of impact will the tax cuts have on my family?
B: You should save around $300 per year.
n. / v. 1.影响,作用;2.冲击,碰撞

A: How much longer until we get there?
B: Will you please stop being so impatient?
a. 1.不耐烦的,急躁的;2.热切的,急切的

A: When will the new laws be implemented?
B: They should go into effect by the end of the year.
vt. 使生效,履行,实施
n. 工具,器具,用具

A: What are the implications of your new job for your family?
B: Well, we’re going to have to move abroad.
n. 1.含意,暗示,暗指;2.卷入,牵连

A: Is Rachel going to lend you the money?
B: She seemed to imply that she would, but she wasn’t very clear.
vt. 暗示,含有...的意思

A: Why does your country import most of its grain?
B: Because we don’t have enough arable land to produce the grain we need.
n. 1.进口,输入;2.[常pl.]进口商品,输入额;3.意义,重要性,含义
vt. 进口,输入

A: How do you feel about the economic sanctions imposed on your country?
B: I feel that they are both unjust and unnecessary.
vt. 1.(on) 把...强加于;2.征(税等),处以(罚款,监禁等)

A: I’m not sure how to best impress the interviewer.
B: Just be yourself.
vt. 1.给...以深刻的印象,使铭记;2.印,压印

A: Why are you so dressed up tonight?
B: Because I have a blind date, and I want to make a good first impression.
n. 1.印象,感觉;2.印记,压痕

A: What did you think of the most recent applicant?
B: He had a very impressive resume, but I wasn’t impressed by his interpersonal skills.
a. 给人印象深刻的 

A: I’ve noticed an improvement in your test scores over the past several weeks.
B: Yes, I think I’m finally beginning to understand the material.
n. 1.改进,增进;2.改进处

A: Did you hear about the incident at the bar last night?
B: Yes, I heard there was a huge brawl.
n. 1.发生的事;2.事件,事变

A: Do you think that Samantha is lying?
B: Actually, I’m inclined to believe her.
v. 1.(使)倾斜;2.(使)倾向于,赞同
n. 斜坡,斜面

A: You seem sad. Is something wrong?
B: I’m increasingly unhappy with my job.
ad. 日益,越来越多地

A: What did you do last night?
B: I went to see an incredible movie. You should really go see it.
a. 1.不能相信的,不可信的;2.难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的

A: Have you enjoyed your first year at college?
B: Yes. It’s great to finally have some independence.
n. 独立,自主,自立

A: I know it’s important for you to be independent, but are you sure that I can’t help you move on Saturday?
B: Actually, maybe I could use some help.
a. 1.独立的,自主的,自立的;2.无偏见的,中立的;3.不相关联的,无关的

A: What exactly do you do at work?
B: I’m working to create an index of every fashion magazine ever published.
n. 1.索引;2.标志,表征;3.指数,指标
vt. 为...编索引,把...编入索引

A: How long will the test be?
B: As I indicated earlier, the test will last for three hours.
v. 1.标示,指示,指出;2.表明,示意

A: Would you mother prefer a blue dress or a red one?
B: She didn’t give any indication.
n. 1.指示,表示;2.象征,迹象

A: How was your date?
B: I liked her a lot, but she seemed rather indifferent to me.
a. 1.冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的;2.一般的,(表现)平平的

A: I want to know how old she is, but I’m too embarrassed to ask.
B: Maybe you should try asking the question in an indirect manner.
a. 1.间接的,迂回的;2.不直截了当的,婉转的

A: I always though that I was indispensable to the organization, but I guess I was wrong.
B: Did they fire you?
a. (to, for) 必不可少的,必需的

A: Do you think I should wear a hat to the party?
B: It all depends on your individual preference.
a. 1.个别的,单独的,个人的;2.独特的
n. 个人,个体

A: How do you plan to play tennis today with it raining outside?
B: We’re going to play on the indoor courts at the club.
a. (在)室内的,(在)户内的
ad. [~s]在室内,在户内

A: Why is the river water so polluted?
B: It’s full of industrial waste from the factory.
a. 工业的,产业的

A: If we want our country to become a major player in the world economy them we’ve got to industrialize.
B: But don’t you think we should be worried about the side effects of industrialization.
v. (使)工业化

A: Don’t Jim and Judy look good together?
B: I think it’s inevitable that they will get married someday.
a. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的

A: How long has your son had this rash?
B: Well, I first noticed it when he was an infant.
n. 婴儿,幼儿
a. 婴儿的,幼稚的,初期的

A: When will I start to feel better?
B: You may feel better immediately after talking the medicine, but you should probably stay home from school for a few days to avoid infecting the other children.
vt. 1.传染,感染;2.影响

A: Did he tell you that you got the job?
B: He didn’t say it directly, but I inferred it from the way he was praising me.
vt. 推论,推断

A: Given that your blood was found at the crime scene, the logical inference is that you committed the crime.
B: I was framed!
n. 1.推断结果,结论;2.推论,推理,推断

A: Why do you think they lost the game?
B: I thought it was clear form the start that they were the inferior team.
a. 1.劣等的,次的;2.下级的
n. 下级,下属

A: Why do you want to be an astronaut?
B: Because I want to travel to the infinite reaches of the universe.
a. 无限的,无穷的,无边无际的

A: How are your investments doing?
B: I thought they were doing great, until I realized that I had forgotten to include inflation in my calculations.
n. 1.通货膨胀;2.(充气而引起的)膨胀

A: Who do you think has had the greatest influence on your life?
B: I would have to say my father.
n. 1.影响,影响力;2.产生影响的人(或事物);3.势力,权势
vt. 影响

A: He wrote a very influential article on the history of philosophy.
B: When was the article written?
a. 有影响的,有权势的

A: Why wasn’t I informed about the war?
B: We thought that the information would be too stressful for you at your age.
vt. 通知,报告
vi. (against, on) 告发,检举

A: Why don’t we make an apple pie tonight?
B: I’m not sure that we have all of the necessary ingredients.
n. 1.(混合物的)组成部分,成分,(烹调的)原料;2.(构成)要素,因素

A: How long have you been an inhabitant of this city?
B: I’ve lived here for around twenty years.
n. 居民,住户

A: How were you able to buy that new house?
B: I inherited a bunch of money from a distant relative.
vt. 继承

A: Did you enjoy the roller coaster?
B: Once I got over the initial shock of how fast it was going, I really had a good time.
a. 开始的,最初的
n. [常pl.](姓名等的)首字母

A: I’m too nervous to even apply for a job.
B: If you don’t take the initiative to at least apply for a job, you’re never going to get one.
initiative 1.主动的,首创精神;2.主动的行动,倡议;3.主动权

A: We’ll be giving you the medicine in the form of an injection.
B: Will it hurt?
n. 注射,注入
A: Why was she kicked out of the game?
B: Because she deliberately tried to injure another player.
vt. 伤害,损害,损伤

A: As a result of the injury, he will miss the entire season.
B: That’s a pity.
n. 1.损害,伤害;2.受伤处

A: How many nights did you stay at the inn?
B: We stayed there for a week.
n. 小旅馆,客栈,小酒馆

A: I hear that Jill’s been able to worm her way into the President’s inner circle.
B: I’ve heard that, too.
a. 1.内部的,里面的;2.内心的

A: He really doesn’t understand anything about the real world.
B: No kidding. He’s so innocent.
a. 1.(of)清白的,无罪的,无辜的;2.无害的,没有恶意的;3.天真的,幼稚的,无知的

A: I’d really like to have your input on the lecture I just gave.
B: I thought you did a fabulous job.
n. 1.输入,投入;2.输入物,输入的数据
vt. 把...输入计算机


A: What was that lady inquiring about?
B: She wanted to know if we had any job openings.
v. 打听,询问
inquire after 问起(某人情况),问候
inquire into 调查,探究

A: I really think there should be an inquiry into the government’s behavior.
B: You’re not the only one who thinks that way.
n. 1.打听,询问;2.调查

A: What’s that noise coming from outside?
B: It’s the insects. They’re always loud in the summer.
n. 昆虫,虫

A: What do you think of this paragraph?
B: It’s rather well-written, but I’d insert another sentence in the middle.
vt. 插入,嵌入

A: What did you think of the speaker?
B: I thought she had some great insights into the global economy.
n. 洞察力,洞悉,深刻的见解

A: What do you do for a living?
B: I inspect cars.
vt. 检查,视察

A: How did you decide to become an astronaut?
B: It was my grandmother who inspired me to be curious about the cosmos.
vt. 1.鼓舞,激起;2.给...以灵感

A: When will your car be out of the shop?
B: They said they need to install a couple of new parts, and that I should have it back by the end of the week.
vt. 1.安装,设置,安置;2.使就职,任命

A: Don’t you think we should hire someone to help with the installation of the new washing machine?
B: No, I think we can do it ourselves.
n. 1.装置,设备,设施;2.安装,安置,设置;3.就任,就职

A: Sally was always so considerate of other people.
B: You’re right. I can’t think of a single instance in which she put her own interests above the interests of others.
n. 例子,实例,事例
for instance 例如,比如
in the first instance 首先,起初

A: I’m glad we made the train.
B: For an instant, I thought we were going to miss it.
a. 1.立即的,即刻的;2.紧急的,急迫的;3.(食品)速溶的,方便的
n. 瞬间,时刻

A: What makes her such a good basketball player?
B: She has very good instincts on the court.
n. 1.本能,直觉;2.生性,天性

A: Where does your father work?
B: He works at a research institute in Chicago.
n. 学会,研究所,学院
vt. 建立,设立

A: Ever since the institution of the new laws, crime has been way down.
B: Do you think the change will be permanent?
n. 1.(教育,慈善等)社会公共机构;2.制度,习俗;3.设立,创立,制定

A: Would you be willing to instruct my little brother how to fly a kite?
B: Of course.
vt. 1.指示,命令,通知;2.教育,指导

A: Do you play any musical instruments?
B: I play the flute.
n. 1.仪器,器械,工具;2.乐器

A: She was throwing insults at me for over half an hour.
B: You say she was throwing insults, but maybe she was just trying to help you improve.
vt. 侮辱,辱骂
n. 侮辱,凌辱

A: Are you worried about what you would do if your house burned down?
B: Not really. We have insurance.
n. 保险,保险费

A: I’ll leave this deposit to insure you that I’ll return the car tomorrow.
B: Thank you.
vt. 1.给...保险;2.保证,确保

A: How has the merger of the two schools gone?
B: It’s been difficult to integrate the different curriculums, but overall the merger has gone well.
v. (into, with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并

A: What did you like about the book?
B: It’s very intellectual, but not too hard to read.
a. 智力的,善于思维的,知识的
n. 知识分子

A: Where does she get her intelligence?
B: From her mother.
n. 1.智力,智慧,理解力;2.情报,消息

A: You are one of the most intelligent people that I’ve ever met.
B: Thanks, but I really think you’re exaggerating.
a. 聪明的,有才智的

A: I intended to call you last night, but I haven’t been able to find time until today.
B: That’s okay. I’m glad to talk to you whenever you call.
vt. 1.想要,打算,计划;2.打算使(成为),想让...做

A: That was such an intense movie!
B: No kidding. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire show.
a. 1.强烈的,剧烈的,紧张的;2.认真的,专注的;3.热情的,热切的

A: It’s amazing that he’s been able to keep up such a high intensity of study for so many years.
B: I really admire him for not giving up.
n. 1.强烈,剧烈;2.强度

A: How do you plan to work as a cook when you’ve never cooked anything in your life.
B: I plan to undergo a very intensive training program.
a. 1.加强的,集中的,密集的;2.精工细作的,集约的

A: It wasn’t my intention to insult you. I guess I let my emotions get carried away.
B: Don’t worry about it.
n. 意图,意向,目的

A: I had a nasty interaction with Steven today.
B: I’m sure things between the two of you will be fine again tomorrow.
n. 相互作用,相互影响

A: I’m tired of my parents’ interfering in my life.
B: Don’t you know that they only meddle in your affairs because they care so much about you?
vi. (with, in) 1.干涉,介入;2.妨碍,干扰

A: Why aren’t you listening to the game?
B: I can’t seem to get the radio to work. There must be some sort of interference with signal.
n. 1.干涉,介入;2.阻碍,干扰

A: What did you do over the weekend?
B: I redecorated the interior of my apartment.
n. 1.内部;2.[the ~]内地
a. 1.内部的;2.内地的,国内的

A: Is there an intermediate-level sculpture class that I could take?
B: Yes. It meets every Wednesday afternoon.
a. 1.中间的;2.中级的

A: There appears to be some internal bleeding.
B: We’ve got to get her to the hospital immediately.
a. 1.内的,内部的;2.国内的,内政的;3.内心的

A: Do you know what the weather’s supposed to be like tomorrow?
B: No, but I could look it up for you on the Internet.
n. [the ~] 国际互联网,因特网

A: How would you interpret these footprints?
B: It appears that the attacker was barefoot when he left the scene of the crime.
vi. 口译,翻译
vt. 解释,说明,诠释

A: What do you make of this painting?
B: I think that there are any number of interpretations that one could make.
n. 1.解释,说明,诠释;2.(表演,演奏的)艺术处理

A: I don’t mean to interrupt, but you’ve gone over the allotted time for your lecture.
B: Okay. Just let me finish this one thought.
vt. 1打断,打扰;2.中止,阻碍
vi. 打断,打扰

A: The guests should arrive at various intervals.
B: I’ll be here to greet them whenever they get here.
n. 1.间隔,间距;2.幕间(或工间)休息
at intervals 每隔一段时间(或距离),不时

A: What was it like to interview the President?
B: At first I was nervous, but as the interview went on I was impressed at how he seemed just like a normal guy.
n.  1.接见,会见;2.面谈,面试
vt. 1.面试;2.会见,采访

A: I’ve always valued the intimate relationship that we’ve had, and I hope you know that I’m here for you whenever you need a friend.
B: Thanks.
a. 1.亲密的,密切的;2.私人的,个人的
vt. 暗示,提示
n. 至交,密友

A: Did you read the introduction?
B: No. I always like to read the body of the book before I read the introduction.
n. 1.介绍;2.引进,传入;3.引言,导论

A: My house has been invaded by roaches, and I don’t know what to do!
B: Why don’t you call the exterminator?
v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭

A: I think that this new law is an invasion of my civil rights.
B: Maybe you should file a complaint with the government.
n. 入侵,侵略,侵犯

A: I wish someone would invent a way to teleport from one place to another.
B: That would be amazing.
vt. 1.发明,创造;2.捏造,虚构

A: Have you made money off any of your inventions?
B: Not very much, because the company owns all of my patents.
n. 1.发明,创造;发明物;2.捏造,虚构;3.发明(或创造)的才能

A: What do you plan to with the money you won in the lottery?
B: I’ll spend some of it to buy myself a new car, and then invest the rest.
vt. 1.投资;2.投入(时间,精力等);3.授予,赋予
vi. (in) 投资

A: We really should investigate ways to make money in the new economy.
B: Do you really think the new economy is so different from the old economy that we’ve been so successful in?
v. 调查,调查研究

A: I’d hoped to get a good return on my investment, but I’m barely keeping up with inflation.
B: Maybe you should switch brokers.
n. 1.投资,投资额;2.(时间,精力等的)投入

A: You never pay any attention to me. I feel like I’m invisible to you.
B: I really care about you a lot; I’ve just been busy with work.
a. 看不见的,无形的

A: I’d like to go to the party, but I didn’t get an invitation.
B: Don’t worry, it’s not an invitation-only party.
n. 1.邀请;2.邀请书,请柬;3.吸引,诱惑

A: How were you involved in the investigation?
B: I worded at the lab that examined the evidence.
vt. 1.包含,还有;2.使卷入,使参与;3.牵涉

A: I can’t seem to get the door open.
B: It opens inward, so you need to pull instead of push.
a. 1.内心的;2.里面的,内部的
ad. [- (s)]向内

A: I feel so isolated when my opinion differs from my co-workers.
B: Well, I admire you for speaking up for what you believe in.
vt. 使隔离,使孤立

A: Why are you wearing the old uniform when the company issued new ones last week?
B: I was sick last week, and I guess they forgot to inform me.
n. 1.问题,争论点;2.发行,(报刊的)一期;3.分发,流出
vt. 1.颁布,发行,出版;2.分发,发给
vi. 流出,发出

A: Be sure to buy all of the items on the grocery list.
B: No problem.
n. 1.条,条款,项目;2.[新闻等的]一条,一则


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