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H 字头

A: If we don’t get the new parts in soon, we’re going to have to halt production.
B: The parts should be in by tomorrow.
n. 停住,停止,暂停
v. (使)停住,(使)停止
A: Would you like ham on your sandwich?
B: Yes, please.
n. 火腿

A: Why is your thumb swollen?
B: I accidentally hit it with a hammer.
n. 锤,榔头
v. 锤击,敲打
hammer away at 努力做
hammer out 竭力想出解决办法等

A: Which handbag do you think Suzie would like?
B: She might like that on with the purple strap.
n. (女用)手提包

A: What’s the next step in the recipe?
B: Take about a handful of flour, and mix it in.
n. 1.一把;2.一小撮,少数,少量

A: Will you be able to handle so many guests at your house next Sunday?
B: I don’t think it will be a problem.
vt. 1.处理,应付,对待;2.操作;3.拿,触,摸
n. 柄,把手

A: Who is willing to take notes at the meeting?
B: I’d do it, but my handwriting is really horrible.
n. 笔迹,书法

A: What should I use to cut the meat?
B: This knife is really handy for cutting things quickly.
a. 1.方便的;2.手边的,近便的;3.手巧的

A: Why haven’t there been many ships in the harbor lately?
B: Because the economy’s been down.
n. 海港,港口,避风港
vt. 1.庇护,藏匿;2.心怀(怨恨等)

A: Can we eat the cookies now?
B: Let them harden a bit first. They are just out of the oven.
v. 1.(使)变硬,(使)硬化;2.(使)变得坚强,(使)变得冷酷无情

A: I’ve been very impressed at how well you’ve handled yourself during these times of hardship.
B: Thank you.
n. 艰难,困苦

A: If you want to do more with your computer, you need to upgrade your hardware.
B: How much will that cost?
n. 1.五金器具;2.硬件

A: Why are you a vegetarian?
B: Because I don’t believe in harming other animals.
n. / vt. 伤害,损害,危害
come to no harm 未受到伤害

A: You’ve been living in harmony with your neighbors for twenty years. Why are you all of a sudden fighting?
B: They have a dog that barks all night and keeps me up.
n. 和谐,融洽,一致
in harmony (with) (与...)协调一致,(与...)和睦相处

A: What is the function of the dam?
B: It harnesses the power of the water to create electricity.
n. 马具,挽具
vt. 1.治理,利用;2.给(马等)上挽具

A: They sentenced him to ten years in prison for stealing the lady’s purse.
B: Don’t you think that’s a little harsh?
a. 1.严厉的,严酷的;2.刺耳的,刺目的,毛糙的

A: Why are you in such a haste to get to work?
B: Because I was supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago.
n. 急速,急忙
in haste 急忙,慌忙

A: Why do you feel so much hatred towards her?
B: Because the boss likes her more than me.
n. 憎恨,憎恶

A: We’re running out of hay of the horses.
B: There should be a new load arriving tomorrow.
n. 干草

A: What are you thinking about?
B: I’m trying to come up with a good heading for this brochure I’m making.
n. 标题

A: Have you discovered where the enemy headquarters are?
B: No, but we have several leads that we are following.
n. 1.(机构,企业等的)总部,总店;2.司令部,指挥部

A: How long will it take for the wound to heal, Doctor?
B: It should be completely healed in about a month.
vt. 1.使愈合,治愈,使康复;2,调停(争吵等),消除(分歧等)
vi. 愈合,痊愈,恢复健康

A: You need to wash that heap of clothes on the floor of your room.
B: I’ll do it tomorrow.
n. 1.(一)堆;2.大量,许多
v. (使)成堆,堆起

A: How are you doing today?
B: You’ll have to speak louder. I’m losing my hearing.
n. 1.听力,听觉;2.听力所及之距离;3.意见(或证言)听取会,申辩(或发言)的机会

A: Why is your face wet?
B: Jordan heaved a huge snowball right into my face.
vt. 1.(用力)举起,提起,拉起;2.扔;3.(沉重地)发出(叹息,呻吟等)
vi. 1.(at, on)(用力)举起,拉,拖;2.(有节奏地)起伏,隆起
n. 举起,升降

A: How did you know that he was lying?
B: He seemed to hedge a little bit when answering my question.
n. 1.(矮树)树篱;2.防备,障碍物
vt. 用篱笆围
vi. 避免直接回答

A: Why are you limping?
B: Because my left heel hurts.
n. 1.脚后跟,踵;2.(鞋,袜等的)后跟

A: How did you get to the hospital so quickly after your injury?
B: The hospital’s helicopter gave me a ride.
n. 直升机

A: How was your trip to the mall?
B: It was hell. We got stuck in traffic for three hours!
n. 1.地狱;2.极不愉快的经历(或事)
the hell 到底,究竟
like hell 拼命地,极猛地
to hell with 让...见鬼去吧
A: The dictionary you gave me for Christmas has been really helpful for my studies.
B: I’m glad to hear it’s been of use to you.
a. 1.有益的;2.给予帮助的,肯帮忙的 

A: Thanks for letting me borrow your car.
B: Just be sure to bring it back soon. I feel helpless without a car.
a. 1.无助的,无保护的,不能自立的;2.无法抗拒的,不由自主的

A: Why did you kill the hen?
B: She stopped laying eggs, so we figured it was time to eat her.
n. 母鸡,雌禽

A: Are you a policeman?
B: Yes. Hence the uniform
adv. 1.因此,所以;2.今后,从此

A: How long have you been herding sheep?
B: I’ve been doing it ever since I was a little boy.
n. 兽群,牧群
vt. 1.使集中在一切,把...赶在一起;2.放牧,看管

A: We are proud to present you with this medal for your heroic deeds.
B: Thank you for this great honor.
a. 英雄的,英勇的,崇高的

A: Well, I guess it’s time to say goodbye.
B: Please don’t hesitate to call me if you ever have any problems.
v. 1.犹豫,踌躇;2.不情愿

A: What was the highlight of your beach vacation?
B: I would have to say swimming with the dolphins.
vt. 强调,突出,使显著
n. 最精彩的部分,最重要的事件

A: What do you think of Rachel?
B: Personally, I don’t think very highly of her, but I know that a lot of people really like her.
ad. 1.高度地,极,非常;2.非常赞许地

A: Why are you moving?
B: Because they built a new highway next to our house, and we just can’t stand the noise.
n. 公路,交通要道

A: Guess who called me today?
B: I have no idea. Can you give me a hint?
n. 1.暗示,示意;2.细微的迹象;3.[常pl.]建议
v. 暗示

A: Why are you on crutches?
B: Because I broke my hip last month.
n. 臀部,髋部

A: Where do you plan on spending your afternoon?
B: We thought we might visit the historic downtown area of the city.
a. 历史上著名的,具有重大历史意义的

A: I’m having trouble doing the research for my history paper.
B: Your grandfather is wealth of historical knowledge. Why don’t you ask him?
a. 历史(上)的,史学的

A: Where were you hiding?
B: In the hollow stump of that tree over there.
a. 1.空的,中空的,凹陷的;2.(声音)沉闷的;3.虚伪的,空虚的
n. 洼地,洞,穴

A: Who is that mysterious old guy who lives in the woods?
B: Some people think he’s a holy man.
a. 1.神圣的,圣洁的;2.虔诚的

A: This tea tastes bitter.
B: Why don’t you try sweetening it with honey?
n. 1.蜂蜜;2.甜蜜;3.[常作爱称]宝贝儿,亲爱的

A: What should I do with this wallet that I found on the ground?
B: The honorable thing to do would be to turn it in to the police
a. 1.光荣的,荣誉的;2.可敬的,高尚的

A: Where should I put my jacket?
B: Hang it on that hook over there.
n. 钩,钩状物
vt. 钩住
hook up 1.将...接上电源;2.(to)将(或与)...联接起来
off the hook 脱离困境

A: When will your son be coming home?
B: I’m hopeful that he’ll be home for the holidays.
a. 1.有希望的;2.怀有希望的
A: I get a hopeless feeling every time I lose my keys.
B: Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll fine them.
a. 1.绝望的,没有希望的;2.无能的,糟透的

A: So what’s on the horizon for you in the next year?
B: I’m thinking about changing professions.
n. 1.地平线;2.[pl.]眼界,见识
on the horizon 即将发生的

A: Please lay in a horizontal position on the couch.
B: Doctor, do you mean that I should lay flat on my back?
a. 地平的,水平的

A: I wish that car in front of me weren’t driving so slow.
B: Why don’t you blow your horn to tell him to speed up?
n. 1.(牛,羊,鹿等的)角;2.号角,喇叭,警报器

A: How was your date?
B: It was horrible. We didn’t get along at all.
a. 1.令人恐惧的,可怕的,骇人听闻的;2.极讨厌的,使人不愉快的,糟透的

A: What did you do after the burglars tied you up?
B: I just stared in horror as they carted all of my stuff away.
n. 1.恐怖;2.憎恶;3.令人恐怖(或讨厌)的事物(或人)

A: What is the difference in these two cars?
B: The car on the left has double the horsepower of the car on the right.
n. 马力

A: This has been a great party.
B: Yes, the host did a wonderful job of planning it.
n. 1.主人,东道主;2.节目主持人;3.许多

A: Why are you being so hostile to me today?
B: I think I’m just in a bad mood today.
a. 1.敌对的,敌意的,不友善的;2.敌方的

A: What’s your yearly household income?
B: I don’t think that’s any of your business.
n. 家庭,户
a. 1.家庭的,家用的,普通的;2.家喻户晓的

A: Why do you want to get a job?
B: Because I’m tired of staying at home and being a housewife.
n. 家庭主妇

A: Were you able to find good housing in the city?
B: Yes, but it was a bit expensive.
n. 1.房屋,住宅;2.住房建筑,住房供给;3.外壳,外罩

A: Stop speaking so negatively of yourself?
B: I’m just trying to be humble, so you won’t think I’m too proud.
a. 1.谦逊的,谦虚的;2.地位(或身份)低下的,卑贱的;3.简陋的,低劣的
vt. 使谦恭,使卑下

A: What do you like about Janie?
B: I think she has a great sense of humor.
n. 1.幽默,诙谐;2.情绪,心境

A: Did you like the movie?
B: It was humorous, but didn’t have much else going for it.
a. 幽默的,诙谐的

A: Why do you have a gun in your house?
B: Because I like to go hunting during bear season.
n. / v. 1.打猎,猎取;2搜寻,寻找;3.驱逐,追逐,追捕
hunt down 对...穷追到底,追捕到

A: Who lives in that little hut on the beach?
B: There’s an old man who’s lived there for the past twenty years.
n. 小屋,棚屋

A: Which is the lightest of all the elements?
B: Hydrogen, I think.
n. 氢


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