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日期:02-18 15:08:21|八百米考试网| http://www.babaimi.com |成人高考|人气:743

     11._______ ! There’s a train coming.
   A. Look out
   B. Look around
   C. Look forward
   D. Look on
   12.The accident is reported to have occurred _______ the first Sunday in February.
   A. at
   B. on
   C. in
   D. to
   13.-Do you remember _______ he came?
   -Yes, I do. He came by car.
   A. how
   B. when
   C. that
   D. if
   14.Smith was reluctant to tell the schoolmaster _______ he had done the day before.
   A. that
   B. how
   C. where
   D. what



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